Well, the computer I'm typing on at the moment was just resurrected from the dead.
The flood in my family room had toasted it's motherboard.
Insurance bought me a new one, but a used motherboard was $40 off of Ebay.
Had to re-install Windows, after downloading, (for free!) off of Microsoft.com, an ISO of the install disk (which I did not have, and they were willing to sell me!).
Online activation worked like a charm.
Alive? It's a MIRACLE!!
ReplyDeleteGive it a day to make sure it's not a zombie.
ReplyDeleteWait... I just paid over $100 for W7... you downloaded for free? Glad you're back in action. Me too (I think)
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteDaBlade: I had a previous activation/product key. Wasn't upgrading like you.
ReplyDeleteBut I didn't have the install disk and had changed a major component.
ebay eh?..awesome!..welcome back!:)