Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Random thought inspired by something someone said

My mom used to live on the bayou and we visited and she said we'll have to go to dinner that night at "The Pelican Lodge Fish Camp".
My wife and kids and I went for a drive toward Texas and saw a sign on the highway for it, so we turned to check it out.
We drove a long way, expecting the Creature from the Black Lagoon to cross the road any minute.
Chased by Bigfoot.
Then we saw it, and we knew we had to find an excuse to miss dinner that night.
Rundown ramshackle buildings in a compound.
But we could not find that excuse.
We ended up eating there.
It was one of the fondest memories I have of dining with my mom.
The food was delicious.
Prompted by a post by NFO,
I just googled it and found this review.
Nice to now they are still there after 30 yrs.


  1. That's where you find some of the finest seafood in the southwest corner of Louisiana, or the southeast corner of Texas.

    Just don't wander off the highway. Critters live past the edge of the road.

    1. Bigfoot, Creature from the Black Lagoon?

    2. Worse. Alligators, cotton mouths and mosquitoes that will cover you to the point you can't see any skin.

  2. I was just thinking today of going to a BBQ place down in the country. It is always packed with people from Birmingham and counties all around. I was mulling over how it is rundown inside and how that I have never had good bbq out of a sparkling building or while sitting on clean chairs.

    1. I have gotten food poisoning "out of a sparkling building or while sitting on clean chairs."
      Let us know how it went.

  3. A lot of time dives have the best food ever. There's a reason Guy Fieri has a career.

    1. This place was a "dive". Picnic tables between cabin type buildings, but at night with the Japanese lanterns strung above and them delivering filets, slaw and fries on demand.... Wow.

  4. Creature from the Black Lagoon rocks.

  5. I always wondered what them folks down ta the bayou put in their gumbo. Pelican? It's whats for dinner. Tastes like gator.

    1. gator tastes like chicken.
      Local joint in Belleville, The Bayou Grille, has it batter fried.
