Sunday, April 18, 2021

Coronamadness Data and Distraction

  Yesterday I interviewed the former Executive VP of Compuware, Mike Lobsinger.

Mike has a long history of analyzing data and trends to make successful business decisions.
He turned his eye to the Corona virus data (and lack of).

His conclusion? We are being lied to and misled.

As if you didn't know.

Your American Heritage


  1. We're being lied to 'cause it's a cult of fear not based on facts. Very ancient pagan religion. I guess next they'll be sacrificing Christians to the lions or volcano's. I know, don't give 'em any ideas, right?! :\

    1. It is a demonic attack on the citizenry of this nation.

  2. LOVED your line "preaching to the choir keeps the choir singing." More to come ..

  3. In March 2020 the CDC quietly changed death reporting rules in a significant way just for Covid. Numbers geeks got hold of the data, reviewed with a medical, legal and judicial team. "Using the new rules from March 24th, [2020 we had] 161,392 fatalities as of August 23rd. Had we used the [existing] guidelines, our estimates are that we would have roughly 9,684 total fatalities due [exclusively] to COVID-19.”

    Worse: In "2005, The Virology Journal publishes research demonstrating that hydroxychloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV, not SARS-CoV-2, primate cells. And this was hailed by Dr. Fauci.” has the interview and transcript of the interview with Dr. Henele, part of this team. They got ‘spicious’ when they began to see great anomalies between local and CDC data and started their quest, uncovering how U.S. federal regulatory agencies have manipulated COVID-19 statistics to control the pandemic narrative.

    Your guest is so right. In building, if we don’t ‘start with a good base’ we get crooked walls and collapse. In politics we get a crooked narrative baptized in Unicorn tears.

  4. Furthermore, there was an explicit decision to NOT define a methodology to ensure that the same person cannot be counted multiple times. So what we end up with is a revolving door now in terms of new cases. The same person can be counted over and over and over again, without being tested, without having any symptoms. All they need to do is be within 6 feet of someone and then a contact tracer can say, "Okay, well, that person's positive." That person who can't go back to work until they show a negative test. Well, let's say they get tested 13 times, guess what happens? That's 13 new cases, when it really should only be one.

    We kept asking "how can we be sure they aren't counting people twice?" As a data person I could easily design a database to make sure we didn't get double counts. Why couldn't they? Now we know they didn't want to.

    1. Thank you for your information. I did know about the change but not the particulars you brought out. I am definitely going to review your information. Thanks very much.

  5. and one cough could get you classified as "probable Covid." Jibes with your caller about fudging numbers. I hope he sees my 3:47 post above.

    1. I contacted Mike and invited him to read your comments.

  6. One must wonder, “What possible reason should any government reporting agency have in skewing data on something as large as COVID-19 vaccines?” Despite my suspicion that there is a concerted effort to cause “average” Americans to lose faith in our Republic’s institutions, such a “secret” conspiracy would have to be the best kept secret in the entire history of humankind.

    So, the commies embarked on a different stratagem. There is a conspiracy ... it just isn’t a secret. It’s one of those “in your face” conspiracies. Communists seizing power and keeping it ... that’s the goal, and they’re making no bones about it. All of us should know this by now ...

    Who among us with even a modicum of common sense trust the government? Who among this group has confidence in public education, the FBI, DHS, CDC, CIA, or HHS? Or Congress? Or the Executive? What is all the banter now about the efficacy of the COVID vaccines?

    Roughly 1,000 people have died after taking the jab, and yet (to my knowledge) there has been no direct link between the vaccine and these 1,000 deaths. Why is that? Because, I suppose, there are at least 1,000 different reasons for people dying with or without the jab.

    In the USA, 230,000 people die every month, around 2.8 million each year. That’s a mortality rate of roughly 8,000 people per day, from all kinds of issues. Of those, how many died as a direct result of (a) COVID-19, or (b) a COVID-19 vaccine? I cannot say. I don’t know. But even if it were 100 a day (which would be “massive,”) (and it isn’t), it is such a small percentage of the total that no one who is not addicted to caffeine even cares. We all gotta go sometime.

    If on the other hand we “average” Americans simply want our government to be honest and forthright with “we the people,” then we must be living in another universe. That has never happened since 1783, and guess what else? I’m not holding my breath. The good news is that since our government is not now, has never been, and will never be “trustworthy,” maybe what we need to do is divorce ourselves from “government” and make up our own minds about things ... act on that ... and accept responsibility for being a free spirit. No one lives forever ... may as well enjoy our visit while we still can.
