Sunday, April 23, 2023

Making America Exceptional Again

 My guest today is Michael Wilkerson. He is the author of Stormwall and now “Why America Matters: The Case for a New Exceptionalism"


America is challenged by four distinct crises: a crisis of circumstances, a crisis of identity, a crisis of institutions, and a crisis of engagement.

"Mark Twain’s comment that “every civilization carries the seeds of its own destruction” can be turned on its head. Every civilization, including America’s, also carries the seeds of its own rebirth. Like the legend of the phoenix, sometimes this regeneration must come through fire and ashes."

"In believing that God had a unique plan for America, early American exceptionalism traveled a well-trod path of English exceptionalism. Each saw themselves as a new Israel and their land as a new Canaan, a promised land of divine inheritance. With the failure of the English Civil War to bring about long-lasting republican and religious reform, English emigrants."

"However, it was presidential candidate Trump who initially seemed to repudiate the concept of American exceptionalism altogether. He said that he “never liked the word.” In Trump’s view, the phrase was offensive to other nations and fundamentally not representative of the decaying state of America."

"The idea of American exceptionalism hit critical mass in the first half of the nineteenth century. An increased awareness of national self, of history, of being part of something greater, took hold of the American consciousness. The victory over the British in the War of 1812 gave Americans an immense sense of pride and an increasing awareness of being part of a nation that was greater than the individual states they represented."

You talk about our reaction to Covid in contrast to the Eisenhower era response to another Asian Flu.

"Murray argues there are four foundational virtues that, more than anything else, shaped American exceptionalism: industriousness, honesty, religion, and marriage. The first two are pure virtues and the last two are virtuous institutions supportive of public morality."

"It is impossible to separate the idea of American exceptionalism from the idea of a creator God. While many countries in the era of Christendom—Great Britain in particular—made similar claims, most have been abandoned in the modern age, other than in the pro forma maintenance of religious symbolism in State ritual. America is perhaps the only modern nation-state to make the obligation of covenant relationship so explicit, and to have maintained it through the subsequent de-Christianization of the Western world."

We are deconstructing America to create a socialist Utopia that never works. And we're doing it in slow motion until recently.

Your American Heritage April 22 2023


  1. When our Schools stopped teaching American Exceptionalism, we started really going downhill. It was part of kicking God and common sense out the door. Now we have a nation of young Marxists. We're reaping what we've sown.

  2. When I formerly tutored, it was amazing how many kids did not know about historical events like Herbert Hoover's pre-presidential humanitarian actions (rescuing 120,000 Americans from WWI Europe and sending relief food into Belgium). Additionally, of course, they had also been fed numerous lies about America that could easily be disproven.

    1. Now we get Zinn and Nikole Hannah-Jones.
      Parents need to push back.

    2. Speaking of the need for parental push-back, did you hear of the high school librarian who sued two local moms over their having objected to a pornographic homosexual book in the school library?

  3. Is Free Speech Gone?
    Are the Nazicrats now in control?
    Is America no longer the home of the FREE, land of the BRAVE?
    It seems as if we ca no longer say what we bey to be right!
    It looks like we REALLY DO NEED DONALD TRUMP!
    Because this is NOT Working!

  4. Your comment on organized crime. Our nation is not the nation our parents grew up in, and which you thought you were serving. It has become a big crime syndicate in many ways.

  5. The sad part is when it comes to woke-ism, compared to the rest of western civilization we ARE exceptional. Horrible.

  6. The White House Correspondent's dinner was a story of doom & gloom by the worst President in history. It has become a lovefest of the mainstream media, the propaganda arm of the democrat party, & the democrats & their leadership.It was discouraging, depressing & predictable. Bashing Fox News, & Donald Trump & Republicans & conservatism was the main subject.
    The country is less free, more divided & more in disarray & turmoil than ever before, yet this was part of what Biden said:

    "When I ran for President four years ago, I said we are in a battle for the soul of America – and we still are. The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom, more rights or fewer," he said in the video.

    "Every generation of Americans has faced a moment when they’ve had to defend democracy, stand up for our personal freedoms, and stand up for our right to vote and our civil rights. This is ours. Let’s finish the job," Biden continued.
    Many " correspondents" were clapping & cheering Biden on.
    Instead of addressing main issues, the man claims he is in a battle for the soul of America.
    As is typical, when he was speaking, he sounded like a failed preacher rather than President of America & the leader of the free world.
    How embarrassing, how shameful & pitiful
