Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates

 I spoke with Matthew Trewhella, author of:

The Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates

Sounds dull, huh? Find out.

"The doctrine of the lesser magistrates declares that when the superior or higher civil authority makes an unjust/immoral law or decree, the lesser or lower ranking civil authority has both the right and duty to refuse obedience to that superior authority."


  1. It goes to show the dominance of the federalist system when I have to say I don't remember ever being exposed to this previously.

  2. What did Joe Biden, and his Son, and the rest of his family do to deserve for all the Millions of Dollars that hey have, and that they tried are hiding?
    There has never been a presidential family with this kind of money HONESTLY earned from being in ANY political position, or office that had been able to accumulate the Millions that they have.
    This is why we heard that Baloney about Hunter receiving ALL THAT MONEY from his stupid paintings, that were supposed to bought by an “Anonymous” and unidentified buyer, Including “CHINESE” “adversaries,” Because they used that excuse that it was from Unnamed Foreigners. That is a cover up excuse to hide the fact that it was Money Laundering. James Comer as the House Oversight Committee Chairman as released a memo highlighting some TEN MILLION DOLLARS from foreign nationals that went to Nine members of President Joe Biden’s family. After reviewing the “Bank” statements, the committee warned that some of the fund-transfers from overseas may be signs of “Influence-peddling,” flagging “ the pattern of the Biden families businesses in parts of the world where the then Vice President would have been able to influence U.S. policy. James Comer exposed evidence suggesting a deliberate effort to “HIDE” the source” and the “amounts” that came from these adversaries. The family and their associates created a networks or “Shells” of over 20 companies, mostly LLCs formed while Joe Biden was Vice President. And the Crackhead Hunter Biden has an accumulated worth of $230,000,000. How did that happen for a Druggie with ZERO skills, and ZERO knowledge of the business?
    But the fact remains that Bidumb has Impeachment insurance with that Cackling Idiot Kamala waiting in the wings.

  3. Like that clear Trajan quote To add to the discussion:

    And boy, do I remember The Cross and the Switchblade.

    1. I'll be frank. The fact that someone as intelligent and informed as yourself enjoys the broadcasts lets me know I'm doing something right. Thank you.
      And thanks for the link.

  4. Did You Hear about Biden's Un-American Race-baiting Commencement Address at Howard University, where He Told The BLACK AUDIENCE that America’s WORST THREAT was WHITE SUPREMACY!
    Image that! tSo, we White’s are he most dangerous terrorist threat to our country is Biden and his puppet masters. It's apparent he's looking to pit Black against White in a race war. He just gave these graduates permission to blame Whites for all their problems.
    I detested our first communist race-baiting president Barack Hausen Obama, but I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE OUR CURRENT RACIST PRESIDENT, JOE BIDEN!

    These were his EXACT words! Now remember that he was speaking to a Black audience.!!!
    “ After being — no longer being Vice President, I became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania for four years. But in 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia, crazed neo-Nazis with angry faces came out of the fields with — literally with torches, carrying Nazi banners from the woods and the fields chanting the same antisemitic bile heard across Europe in the ‘30s. Something that I never thought I would ever see in America.
    Accompanied by Klansmen and white supremacists, emerging from dark rooms and remote fields and the anonymity of the Internet, confronting decent Americans of all backgrounds standing in their way, into the bright light of day. And a young woman objecting to their presence was killed”

    You can always tell when Joe Biden is lying through his False Teeth when he says.. “I’m not joking.”
    This is the Man, the President of the United States that told us that HE WAS THE PRESIDENT WHO WAS GOING TO UNITE US!
    Joe Biden has a long history of NOT ONLY being a racist, but also being a racist who incites racial hatred on purpose.
    There probably are violent white supremacists out there, as there are ALL KINDS of people out there Including Black Lives Matter, But the statistic show that the annual murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is about 2 to1 .
    Biden and the Democratic Party derive their political power by purposely mining the racial divide and the Press and Pundits never say a word against it. His division provides a FREE PASS for the Hoodlums to do whatever they want
    To sum things up, Joe Biden is a colossal, dim-witted, senile old FOOL, and he needs to be removed from office immediately.
    We so badly need a President who cares about US AMERICANS!

  5. There is Overwhelming Evidence of Corruption in the Biden Family..There's just much too much out there to be ignored.

    The explosive new evidence of the Biden family's corruption is breathtaking ! At the very least there is Bribery, and very possibly even Treason

  6. The Trump Family got rich through Real Estate. The Biden Family got rich selling influence to foreign Countries.

