Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Best Steak



  1. As someone who has not seen steak for almost the length of Biden's term, I would buy that steak.

  2. I'll admit it took me a minute (and, no, it's not because I'm blonde, tyvm), but HA!!!

    Soon we'll be hearing the steak has been indicted on 572 counts in 23 states.

    Steak: For when a ham sammich just won't do.


  3. Recently when I go shopping for essential items like food, and other items that a person , I suffer from price shock !
    Forget the exorbitant High Gas Prices, Rents, Personal Needs,, & other necessities! As well as in Restaurants, and in all Entertainment places.
    Food has almost doubled in price since this Moronic President Joe Biden has been in office.
    Everything with This president and the Democrats & the governmental offices that they control is a sham & fake including the Consumer Price Index, the Employment numbers, etc.
    There seems to be No Truth or Reality, in anything that comes out of this White House because everything has been politicized !
    During this Biden administration the leftist media kept a running tally of lies, exaggerated truths, or misleading statements made under Biden, he had either told so many the leftist media can no longer keep count with them, or they just don't care anymore...

    Biden’s of favorite lies are about inflation and the economy Many say he is so out of touch with reality that he himself doesn’t even know the truth anymore. In recent months, as the economy has slipped into a soft recession and with inflation at 9.1 percent the Biden whoppers keep coming fast and furious. Biden claimed in a recent speech in Philadelphia as an excuse for high inflation here at home. It is hogwash. HE CLAIMED THAT Inflation HERE is LOWER than in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and many other countries. That is Hogwash!
    He’s out of touch alright. Lying is something he’s done his entire horrendous career. And These Blogging Jack-asses believe him. Only an blithering idiot like the author of this Progressive Blog, by Shaw would believe him, and Mock Trump instead.

  4. It appears that Joe Biden who can't walk without falling down, can't talk without making a mess of his words, can't ride a bicycle without falling off of it, and can't even visit disaster victims , such as the victims in Maui without making a total Idiot out of himself. by his stuttering, and Blabbering, and lying throughout his slips & falls, he has not even once actually had gotten injured. We never have seen him in a Cast, or his arm in a Sling, or anything like that.

    Could it be that the Clumsy, Lying, Clown Joe is putting on an act, so that he would have a defense to keep him out of prison, when the cats gets out of the bag, and Biden's Crimes get to the point of underfendable. Will he claim he didn't know what he was doing, due to his case of Dementia ?
    I'd stake my life on it, because NOBODY could actually be that Stupid.

  5. A Proud Member of the FJB/LGB CommunityOctober 23, 2023 at 8:15 AM

    Democrats are the party of fixing elections, hoaxes , sodomy, socialism, infanticide, and mutilating children’s bodies in the name of transgenderism. The Democrat Party is the embodiment of Evil. It must be dismantled and made illegal for crimes against humanity. And yet they assume that they can Lie about Biden “Earning” 80 Million Votes and winning the election.

  6. Joe Biden, who never does ANYTHING right, has really Screwed Up again this time. . The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran, and Iran's proxies. Biden who also gave hundreds of Million of $$$ to the Palestinians, has just promised to give them another 100 million..
    So, in retrospect, we have the American people and Israel on two different sides. . On one side is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden.
    We, REAL Americans as always, are firmly united with Israel. So, lets call it like it really is, we are actually at war against our "Own" President.
    Those people out there who are protesting in favor of the Palistinions. They don’t understand what they had done to Israel that started this war! They can’t be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, remorse, shame, or any patriotism .... And they absolutely do not know what the hell they are doing! They are just following what they were told by their University Professors. .So if you support Biden giving Iran $6 Billion, and Hundreds of Millions of dollars to the Palestinians you're at war against America too.
    Leftists just can't avoid deflecting the subject from Biden's idiocy, to Trump. The real Fact is, while Trump was the President, there was peace. Now, 600 Israelis are DEAD, and us Americans ore suffering the consequences.

  7. A Proud Member of the FJB CommunityOctober 23, 2023 at 1:59 PM

    I'm still waiting & ready to see Joe Biden impeached!.

    All the work has been done & it's time to pull it all together and have Joe and his Crooked Crackhead Son PAY THE PRICE
    The Democratic Party and the DOJ has covered-up Biden’s corruption long enough... But it’s high time to show the truth to the American people... Lets Just Do It, and DO IT NOW!
    Tell your buddies we are getting tired of waiting. So let’s every one get together and say it on Facebook, and everywhere else.

    We don’t need an impeachment inquiry! We need an IMPEACHMENT!
    We already have evidence of then-Vice President Biden speaking, Dining, and having coffee with his Son’s foreign business associates. We also know that Hunter Biden and his associates were informed of then-Vice President Biden’s official government duties in countries where they had a financial interest. The National Archives must provide these unredacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family’s corruption,” Jim Comer released all this in a statement about the new “Check” findings

  8. Are the Democrats Replacing The Violent Black Lives Matter Troops with Hamas Supporters? Their actions clearly qualify as Domestic Terrorist ? Parading around Chanting Death to Israel, Death to America. When will Merrick Garland declare all these pro Hamas students “Domestic Terrorists”
