Monday, June 10, 2024




  1. Same. Because we all know he isn't a felon but 10% For The Big Guy is.

  2. Why not. Look where voting for Honest Joe from Scranton got us. Or Honest O who had him as VP

  3. Hunter Biden the President's son found guilty on all charges in federal gun case, while at the same time JOEY is preaching about the Dangers of possessing Guns, and other Weapons.

  4. By the looks of things now, EVERYONE's voting for a felon.

  5. Smart honest people who love their country AND the democratic republic is is at present will NOT be voting for the convicted felon/insurrectionist/rapist Trump.

    1. I'm a smart honest person. Trump is not a rapist and has not been accused as such. Of all the charges the tyrants in DC leveled on over a thousand people, insurrection was not one.
      And I'll vote for the convicted felon over the unindicted co-conspirator mush brain, pedophile, anti-American, traitorous, incestuous puppet.
      And you and the other left may want a "democratic republic", like the democratic republic of Vietnam, or the democratic republic of the Congo or the democratic republic of Korea, but we are a Constitutional Republic.

  6. You have now, nor have you ever presented so much as a particle of of the allegations you've leveled at President Biden.

    Your hate of Biden, Obama, and likely all non conservative Republicans is driven by your fears and having bought the rampant unsupported conspiracy garbage emanating from the far right and Donald Trump.

    1. unindicted co-conspirator: His business dealings with James and Hunter and the Chinese.
      mush brain : Kinda obvious when he gets lost on stage on lawns, loses train of thought, sleeps in meeting...
      pedophile : Showers with his minor daughter, in her own admission.
      anti-American, traitorous: Leaving $85 of military hardware to Muslim terrorists and Bagram Air Base to the Chinese (10% to The Big Guy")
      incestuous: His daughter again.
      puppet: Obama and his crew are obviously pulling his strings. He never had an original thought in all his plagiaristic years, unless they were a racist attack on blacks. Those seem to come naturally.

  7. Replies
    1. Biden and his supporters are embarrassing this country.
      I am embarrassed by them, and that is the truth.

  8. Talk about embarrassing. Please explain how one would:

    presented so much as a particle of of the allegations leveled



  9. Let me guess: You believe children should be learning about sexual deviancy and not reading and writing, right?


  10. Children should be learning reading, writing, math, science, as well as compassion, as well as respect for all of their brothers and sisters. Regardless of race, religious beliefs, or sexual idenity.

    And BTW, I'm embarrassed by Trump, Christian Nationalism, and the republican party. As are the majority of patriotic Americans.
