Monday, April 30, 2012


Scherie went through her brain freeze test today.
All went as well as it possibly could, praise God.
No clotting, plaque, stroke, or as the consent form also said: death.
The half that had surgery 30 years ago that is the problem area, has some response, but with it frozen off, she had no loss of memory, vision, thinking, etc.
So she's really not using half her brain.
I knew it. :)

She's a candidate for surgery.

Next is a meeting with the surgeon in June.


  1. Surgery today, compared to surgery of even twenty years ago, is amazing. I'll say a few prayers and keep my fingers crossed.

  2. Ed! You said "So she's really not using half her brain.
    I knew it. :) "...which means Scherie is reading this post and you
    I hope all goes SO WELL; I know that when my Mr Z was sick, people said "why are you saying 'WE are having tests?'" I hadn't noticed I'd been doing that...but it is a WE THING when we LOVE, isn't it.
    God bless you both...this is great news and you'll be in my prayers!

  3. Will say a prayer for you both.

  4. Freaking great news! Man, I'm wearing a smile for you both!

    About the 1/2 a brain comment: Remember that men have two brains and that this messes up the math :-)
