Saturday, July 20, 2024

A Talk With Pastor Doug Wilson

I talked to Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow.

Not that Moscow, Moscow Idaho.

Doug is an author, blogger, theologian, Christian Conservative who famously stood against the civil authorities when they attempted to silence his church during Covid.

He was also recently a guest of Tucker Carlson.

The impact of the Trump assassination attempt is also discussed. Your American Heritage 7 20 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A Talk with Col Larry Brock

I spoke with Col Larry Brock, Jan 6th political prisoner and Katelyn Mervar, political prisoner advocate and author of MagaMouse to the Rescue!

We talked about how the media distorts impressions of patriots, Larry gave us the scoop on what video and police testimony shows he really did on Jan 6th, and we discussed the effect of the Fisher decision on his and other prisoners sentencing.

We also discussed the impact of our faith on our behavior and activity.

I'm pretty satisfied with how this interview went.
You will be too.

Your American Heritage 7 13 2024

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Domestic Enemies vs Our ForeFathers (Daniel Greenfield)

 So, if you listen, you know I regularly open my show with the Day of the Coup and speak of the Domestic Enemies a number of us swore to fight.

"It’s Day 1,340 of the most recent coup. The taking of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic.
Mostly Domestic
The American People face a clear and present danger.
At the border. In the White House. In Congress.

If you disagree with the direction this country is taking, you are on a list.
If you oppose the theft of this government, you are an insurrectionist.

If you oppose the murder of babies in the womb, you are threat to society and must be punished.

Is this the vision for this country our forefathers had?

What is to be our response?
Arm yourselves. Get a gun  protect you and yours and learn to use it.

Arm yourselves. Spiritually. This is a spiritual battle of epic proportions.
You see the political enemy, learn to see the spiritual enemy behind them. It’s not hard. They are described in the Bible.

Pray. Pray for Trump. Pray for our nation. Pray for those unjustly persecuted by our government for protesting the theft of the election and the murder of babies.

Psalm 144 says: Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle.

Clasp those hands and fingers and Let’s pray, Let’s go do battle. 


We ask You that all WORKERS OF WICKEDNESS be removed from positions of power, prominence, and prestige. Open the eyes of those being deceived and place people who stand for your righteous cause in the high places of government and influence.

Please bring those enemies of good and sound morals to a place of repentance.

And if they will not repent, please remove them from power and influence.

Today, I interviewed Daniel Greenfield, author of:
Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

It a great book, and I've learned the stuff the educational system did not want me to know.
I seem to remember that when I was in grade school "Citizen Genet' was portrayed as a hero!

Here's the interview:
 Your American Heritage 7 6 2024 with Daniel Greenfield

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

For Your Independence Day Enjoyment

I interviewed William Federer concerning our history and the attempts to place us under socialism.

As always, Bill is informative and entertaining. 

Your American Heritage 06 29 2024 with Bill Federer


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

J6th Report From the Front Lines

 I spoke with J6th political prisoners Mark and Jalise Middleton and Magamouse to the Rescue author/illustrator Katelyn Mervar sat in.

We talked about the challenges of being a patriot in a land run by a criminal regime, and how to react.

When I started the show, I thought I was having technical difficulties with my studio equipment during a sound check prior to the show with one of my guests.
So we got a late start and my mic didn't work so Derek the producer started the show and it just through me off my track.
But I think we recovered and I'm proud to have been a part of this show on such an important topic..

Your American Heritage 06 15 2024 w/ Mark and Jalise Middleton and Katelyn Mervar

Friday, June 7, 2024

D Day +1

 I'm parking this comment here that I posted at Zs Blog .

I just want to refer to it later.

Many vets would not talk about their deeds that day and in the days to come.

At the end of Saving Private Ryan. elder Ryan is at Capt Millers grave.

His wife has no idea why. You can only assume he never told her.

My dad never talked much about combat.

He was also at Bastogne after Normandy.

When I was a kid we watched Battleground on TV.

He explained a few things from experience, like not taking off your boots.

It turns out that Dore Shary, the producer had to make a deal with the studio to get to make that movie. “Nobody wants to watch a war movie just after the war!”

They did and it was a hit. Vets took their families to show them what they couldn’t talk about.

My dad had trenchfoot for at least 20 years after the war. He didn’t take off his boots.