Sunday, January 19, 2025

James Simpson, Manufactured Crisis and Daniel Mount Faith of the Presidents

A conversation with James Simpson, author of Manufactured Crisis: The War to End America.

How the Left intends to destroy America. 

You can read the transcript Here.

You can listen Here.  or here:

Then I spoke with Daniel J Mount about the Faith of Our Presidents and also about Gospel songwriting.

You can read the transcript Here

You can listen Here.  or here: 

Daniels latest songwriting effort is here:

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Lego Man Interview

 I spoke to "Lego Man" J6th Political Prisoner Robert Morss.
You should listen.
He's former Army Ranger, High School History Teacher, Patriot, J6 Political Prisoner and author of "One Question Remains", a great book that examines J6 in a way I haven't seen yet. 

Robert was accused of being the mastermind of J6.
"Why" is hilarious.

Your American Heritage 1 4 2025 Hour 1 with Robert Morss

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas is Here

Christmas is Here 
Modern Revisionism tries to critique our beliefs.

Was there really a Christ?
OK, but what's with this December 25th nonsense? It's just a pagan ritual.
To which I say Bah! Humbug!

One of the arguments is that shepherds would not have been out in December.

Or that such an auspicious day would fall on a Jewish holy day as does Passover and Pentecost etc.

Well. Alfred Edersheim wrote LIFE AND TIMES OF JESUS THE MESSIAH in 1883.

It's a scholarly tome, written by a Jew who took seriously Paul's (yes it was Paul!) admonition to the Hebrews that they should be teaching the gentiles. There is much to learn there.

You will find this there regarding the Birth: (I removed some of the references to make it more readable):

But as we pass from the sacred gloom of the cave out into the night, its sky all aglow with 2 starry brightness, its loneliness is peopled, and its silence made vocal from heaven. There is 3 nothing now to conceal, but much to reveal, though the manner of it would seem strangely 4 incongruous to Jewish thinking. And yet Jewish tradition may here prove both illustrative and 5 helpful.

That the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem,
In the curious story of His birth, related 6 in the Jer. Talmud, He is said to have been born in 'the royal castle of Bethlehem;' 7 while in the parallel narrative in the Midr. on Lament. the somewhat 8 mysterious expression is used. But we must keep in view the Rabbinic statement that, even if a 9 castle falls down, it is still called a castle, was a settled conviction. 10 Equally so was the belief, that He was to be revealed from Migdal Eder, 'the tower of the flock.'  This Migdal Eder was not the watchtower for the ordinary 11 flocks which pastured on the barren sheep ground beyond Bethlehem, but lay close to the town, on 12 the road to Jerusalem. A passage in the Mishnah leads to the conclusion, that the 13 flocks, which pastured there, were destined for Temple-sacrifices.

That passage shows that the flocks were pastured for the Temple and thus maintained yearlong.
And the Shepherds would be tending the sacrificial lambs! The angels had to tell them of the one nearby. 

But it gets better. There was a holy day that fell on Dec 25th! Remember the Feast of Dedication of the Temple takes places this time of year. Is not Jesus the Temple of God?

It was, then, on that 'wintry night' of the 25th of December.
There is no adequate reason 14 for questioning the historical accuracy of this date. The objections generally made rest on grounds, 15 which seem to me historically untenable. The subject has been fully discussed in an article by 16 Cassel in Herzog's Real. Ency. xvii. pp. 588-594. But a curious piece of evidence comes to us 17 from a Jewish source. In the addition to the Megillath Taanith, the 9th Tebheth 18 is marked as a fast day, and it is added, that the reason for this is not stated. Now, Jewish 19 chronologists have fixed on that day as that of Christ's birth, and it is remarkable that, between the 20 years 500 and 816 A.D. the 25th of December fell no less than twelve times on the 9th Tebheth. If 21 the 9th Tebheth, or 25th December, was regarded as the birthday of Christ, we can understand the 22 concealment about it.
That shepherds watched the 23 flocks destined for sacrificial services, in the very place consecrated by tradition as that where the 24 Messiah was to be first revealed. Of a sudden came the long-delayed, unthought of of 25 announcement. Heaven and earth seemed to mingle, as suddenly announcement. 

Whatever the date, the day was one on which all human history pivoted. The promise to Eve was fulfilled. A deliverer had come. Nations and peoples would rise and fall on Him.

And He will return to rule in righteousness. And by the looks of it, soon.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2024

A Christmas Carol, An American Christmas Victory and Saint Nick

 In the first hour I had a conversation with former Moment of Clarity host, archeologist and pastor Richard Deitering, along with host of Speaking of Art Ed Hoffman, about Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
You may find a few surprises in there.

And then I spoke with my friend, author, historian, and host of William Federer about a significant event in American History involving a particular Christmas and George Washington.
Then Bill talked about The Real Santa Claus. You might be surprised. You'll certainly be entertained.

By Emanuel Leutze - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Public Domain, 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Your American Heritage 12 14 2024

Hedieh Mirahmadi Falco comes back to recap her career as a former Muslim and Adviser to the government, and to discuss her new book, ⁠Living Fearless in Christ .

Then Hillsdale History Professor Miles Smith discusses Jacksonian influences on Trump,
Christian Nationalism and Anglican Church Polity.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

CDR Salamander Visits, and Dec 7th

First, the discussion was of the Biden pardons and the history behind them.
Then a description of Pearl Harbor as I read the text below this.
Then I spoke to 
CDR Salamander about the similarities between the run up to Dec 7th 1941 and 2024.

The following is the text I referred to in the broadcast.

 I posted much of this before. You may have missed it, so here it is.

The following is excerpted from a letter I transcribed for my friend Nate Weiser to a high school class that had asked him to relate his Pearl Harbor experience on Dec 7th, 1941.

Nate had a degree in education with a sports career and had worked his way through college in the depression.

His military career was somewhat unique in that he was both at Pearl and Normandy.

His commander at Pearl had given him permission to forgo mess duties as he pursued radio courses at the local college in Honolulu.

The mess sergeant saw Nate as a slacker for that. When the dishes rattled in the following story, he came out roaring at Nate for dropping them.

Nate and his two friends had been on a date the night before with some nurses.

He was stationed at Pearl in the Army Air Force and he was in radio.

My two friends and I were going to visit a friend later in the day who was in the Navy, and in Pearl Harbor for a short stay. We were in the Mess Hall around 7:50am Sunday morning. We were waiting in line for our Super Sunday Breakfast before we would go to see our friend when around 8:00am, give or take a few minutes, we heard a large noise that shook the building, and all the stacks of dishes that were on the table fell to the floor. The Mess Sergeant came out and was cussing everyone out. Right then, the second bomb fell and the table plus the food went crashing to the floor. I ran to the door and saw the Japanese Insignia on the aircraft and said to Don and Merrill, "Why are the Japanese planes here? This could be war!"

The planes were strafing all over the area. We were going to hide under the warehouse building next to the Mess Hall, but "Indian Joe", a WW1 veteran told us to get going and try to go to the Residential Area, and go in between the buildings so we wouldn't get hit. We saw the Number 1 hangar on the runway in flames. Half of it was full of ammunition (rumor had it that we were going to Wake Island in a very short time). They hit that hangar first, they knew what was in it. The planes on the ramp were tail to tail, all they did was strafe down the line and get two planes at a time. The reason they were tail to tail was so every Saturday morning the post could march in front of the commander before we had the weekend free. It was a miserable sight to see with us running for our lives. The planes flew so low that you could see some of the pilots red scarves and goggles. That sight I will never forget.

We finally got to the Residential Area and I went into one of the homes near Schofield Barracks. A sergeant lived there and had a couple of children. He told us to stay for a while and then go back to our base for instructions. It was thought that the Japanese might land and try to take the island over. The sergeant would get his company and go up into the mountains, and if the Japanese did invade, he told his wife what to do. We went back to the barracks, and each one of us got a .45 and a belt full of ammo. The second wave of planes was not as great as the first, but that evening it started to rain. The captain called us in his portable quarters and gave us a box about 8' long, 6" wide and 4 or 5" high. He told us that in case of emergency, this would be our only communications between our squadron and Honolulu, so guard it with all our might. It was a transmitter and receiver, all in one! We were to be sure to let him know where we were at all times. We decided to head toward the mountain, but not too far from the runway, near the captain, and hid in case of invasion, but where the planes would not strafe us. Little did we realize that the water off the mountain (it being a very rainy night) would fill our foxhole. We had a very uncomfortable couple of nights. We were very happy to learn after a couple of days that there would be no invasion by the Japanese. All islands were in blackout nights from here on in. By 1943 I was a Staff Sergeant and I and two other Sgts were sent back to the States to go to OCS. (Nate was to be an officer but declined. Also, his two friends died in the attack). After one and a half months, I asked to be sent back to the Air Force.

I was then assigned to Jefferson Barracks in St.. Louis. From there I was assigned to Richmond, Va with the 365th Fighter Bomber Group, 386th Squadron . I was a Tech Sgt and communication chief for P-47 Thunderbolts in the 9th Air Force. We got an all expenses paid tour of Europe.

Nate got the Bronze Star in Europe. it was an award for an idea he had for aircraft radio that allowed them to turn around and get back in the fight quicker in the event of radio failure.

His friends from the night before didn't make it through Dec 7th.

Nate with our son Scott.
Nate's the one on the left.

Nate passed shortly before his 99th birthday Dec 5th, 2016.

In case you don't know, I'm proud to say he was my friend.