Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A Talk with Col Larry Brock

I spoke with Col Larry Brock, Jan 6th political prisoner and Katelyn Mervar, political prisoner advocate and author of MagaMouse to the Rescue!

We talked about how the media distorts impressions of patriots, Larry gave us the scoop on what video and police testimony shows he really did on Jan 6th, and we discussed the effect of the Fisher decision on his and other prisoners sentencing.

We also discussed the impact of our faith on our behavior and activity.

I'm pretty satisfied with how this interview went.
You will be too.

Your American Heritage 7 13 2024


  1. As one who loves this republic (a republic established by Christians on Christian principles), this is disheartening. However, knowing that we have a Savior that rules and likewise knowing that the Bible has no provision for America in the end times, I draw comfort.
