Saturday, July 6, 2024

Domestic Enemies vs Our ForeFathers (Daniel Greenfield)

 So, if you listen, you know I regularly open my show with the Day of the Coup and speak of the Domestic Enemies a number of us swore to fight.

"It’s Day 1,340 of the most recent coup. The taking of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic.
Mostly Domestic
The American People face a clear and present danger.
At the border. In the White House. In Congress.

If you disagree with the direction this country is taking, you are on a list.
If you oppose the theft of this government, you are an insurrectionist.

If you oppose the murder of babies in the womb, you are threat to society and must be punished.

Is this the vision for this country our forefathers had?

What is to be our response?
Arm yourselves. Get a gun  protect you and yours and learn to use it.

Arm yourselves. Spiritually. This is a spiritual battle of epic proportions.
You see the political enemy, learn to see the spiritual enemy behind them. It’s not hard. They are described in the Bible.

Pray. Pray for Trump. Pray for our nation. Pray for those unjustly persecuted by our government for protesting the theft of the election and the murder of babies.

Psalm 144 says: Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle.

Clasp those hands and fingers and Let’s pray, Let’s go do battle. 


We ask You that all WORKERS OF WICKEDNESS be removed from positions of power, prominence, and prestige. Open the eyes of those being deceived and place people who stand for your righteous cause in the high places of government and influence.

Please bring those enemies of good and sound morals to a place of repentance.

And if they will not repent, please remove them from power and influence.

Today, I interviewed Daniel Greenfield, author of:
Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left

It a great book, and I've learned the stuff the educational system did not want me to know.
I seem to remember that when I was in grade school "Citizen Genet' was portrayed as a hero!

Here's the interview:
 Your American Heritage 7 6 2024 with Daniel Greenfield


  1. Another excellent interview.

    Green graft. Great term! Use an emergency to exert your controls. The way of man. Solomon was right: there is nothing new under the sun. And diddling with the money. Oy. 40 Centuries of Wage and Price Controls demonstrate it's been going on for millenia.

    Daniel's book reminds us of the eternal struggle for good principles against bad. Let's not fall into the trap of taking what ordinary, but well informed, men worked out for granted. It was always messy. But I posit, much messier today because our institutions are captured.

    A lot of what he says about not understanding the problem with paper money is the same thinking directed against rental housing providers, btw. They can just absorb all expenses and not force tenants to pay rent. And then what? .... No 2nd stage thinking.

    Hamilton schemed for a new way to change the rules for selection of presidential electors. Shocking, I know. Choose electors according to popular vote in each district - retroactively. Shocking, I know. Hamilton had faults. They all did. But he worked energetically to restore the stricken credit of the new country which laid a foundation for the great wealth expansion in the next century.

    Jefferson and Hamilton were looking at portraits of Bacon, Newton and Locke. Jefferson remarked they were the greatest men who ever lived. Hamilton disagreed. He thought Caesar was. Therein lies a great difference between the two.

    Every single person has defined rights the majority can vote away. Well put.

    Andrea Chenier is not my favorite opera, but it has a powerful aria of a disaffected revolutionary that kind of sums up what's wrong the French revolution:

    I thought my self a giant,
    pure, innocent, and strong...
    But still I'm a servant!
    I've only changed masters. [from servant to revolutionary leader]
    To an obedient servant of violent passions!
    To reawaken conscience in peoples' hearts,
    to gather up the tears of the oppressed and of the suffering,
    to make the world a Pantheon, to change men into gods,

    B-R-O-T-H-E-R !! They're still at it.

    PS - With current real estate prices and bureaucratic red tape in LA, it is not out of line to spend $700k per unit to build a complex. Land, entitlements, environmental, professional fees and permits, public giveaways (in lieu of fee for parks, e.g), and construction. Not to mention campaign contributions.


    1. Not to mention campaign contributions.
      Yep, the mandatory kickbacks. Cost of doing business.

  2. that would be "the majority CANNOT vote away."

  3. Donald J. Trump is EXACTLY what real leadership looks like. Are there any examples of Biden leading like this? Trump is THE MAN this country needs at this time
    The upcoming election is no longer about electing a president. It's about saving our Country!


  4. So in order to “Save’ our Democracy I’s have to Vote for Joe Biden the Pathological Liar?

  5. IF Joe Biden is Still Your Choice to Run this Country, then MAYBE You’re the one That NEEDS the COGNITIVE TEST!

  6. The Doctor said, I could've diagnosed him from a mile away

    When asked about Biden's "rigidity" of movement, he shows the “ hallmark" signs of Parkinson's.

    "Biden has loss of arm swing from the rigidity," adding that the president also shows signs of "bradykinesia," or "slow movement," which are both "hallmark" Parkinson's symptoms.

    "He has these classic features of neurodegeneration," during a Monday interview on the News

    White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was questioned about Biden's cognitive ability in a fiery press briefing Monday after the New York Post reported that Dr. Kevin Cannard met several times with Biden's physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, over the past year. Cannard is a neurologist from Walter Reed Military Medical Center who specializes in Parkinson's disease.
    But let’s face it, we can not believe anything that Karine Jean-Pierre says any more then we can believe anything that Biden says.

    1. Parkinson's is associated with (but not always the cause of) difficulty in initiating and concluding movements. His little trotting motion that breaks out at times is another clue. First you can hardly move (like getting off the stage after the 'debate') and then you speed up without control. I've watched my husband do the same move and then purposely run into a tree to stop himself.

    2. I deliberately ran into a tree once, since I felt that would be better than driving into the river. After I hit the tree I didn't have to worry about fixing the brakes anymore.

