Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Global War

It's been the pretext of many a science fiction novel.
The world is in peril.

It's an asteroid!

It's aliens!

It's Global Warming, urhh Cooling, uhh Change!
Change! (That's the ticket!)

The nations must unite!

A Global Legislative Body must be created.
Oh! How convenient!
We already have a corrupt international legislative body: the U.N.!

If you want people to unite you must give them a cause common to them to fight.
A common enemy.
If you want to create a global government and you cannot get aliens to invade the earth, then you must find some other major global impending disaster to unite the nations under your political control.

Thus global climate change.

Just ignore all the data, buy off some politicians with foreign aid and foundation donations, buy off some scientists with grants and have politicians pontificate on a subject they have no understanding of and throw an international party that everyone can charge off the expense of (put it in Paris, that'll guarantee a crowd) to talk about it.

Any questions?


  1. Sounds like a nice convenient little racket to me, Ed. Did you get a load of that fancy-schmancy French restaurant that Barry and his fellow global warming buddies were chowing down in last night?

    Probably $750 per entree these liberals were all shelling out, good gosh amighty, where can I climb aboard this global warming train? Looks more like a gravy train to me.

    Sign me up.

    1. When I asked, "any Questions?" i did not anticipate, "where can I climb aboard this global warming train?".
      The answer is, "I think you're too late. I think all the seats are taken".

  2. I noted two things in this week's news: the attendees are generating a total of 300,000 tons of CO2 via all the jets & cars they're using, and a study of shrinking ice caps in the Arctic was cancelled this week because of too much ice.

    1. Inconsequential compared to the amount generated in the Levant fighting the scary Muslims, probably with your blessing.

    2. You almost sounded sarcastic there Duck, as if the Muslims in Daesh were not scary.
      But you'd think if the western world was to unite for it's survival, Daesh would be the logical target.

    3. I think the West will survive just fine if we keep our principles in mind, Ed.

      At the moment, the reactionary right is a larger thret than Daesh.

    4. LOL. The Left is in power. It's they who are the reactionaries now -- to those who resist their greed for power. Their very language is extreme -- as you demonstrate regularly. Seems like anyone to your right is extreme.

  3. Nicely laid out Ed. Now if the jokers would only stay down after your knockout.

    1. Hey Pasc! Long time...
      They're like those inflatable toys with the weighted bottoms.
      They keep bouncing back.

  4. Yes, global warming while the Arctic is adding ice at twice the normal rate, according to NASA and while the mean temperature of the planet hasn't gone up in 15 years...

    But hey, that inventor of the Internet, Algore, has gotten rich off selling this nonsense.


  5. Obama and the rest of these clowns are the worst ventriloquists I've ever seen. They don't even try to disguise their act and you know they're lying every time their lips move. They do eat well though.

  6. Yeesh... They don't have a clue...

  7. ed,
    only thing keeps me holding on is i know that God is in charge. i read the Book through to the end. many rough patches between here and heaven but heaven is there. just hope i can fight the good- or at least decent- fight.

    1. "These only come out with much prayer."
      Bullets slow 'em down, though.
