Friday, February 9, 2018

A Day To Remember

My wife Scherie and I met at church.
I saw her there and at McDonalds afterwards with 6 kids around her.
I had two.
And a small house.
Probably wouldn't work.
I had given the women in our singles Bible Study Class my phone number after hearing stories of them paying $40 for a hose clamp install and the like.
Scherie called one day.
Her car wouldn't start.
It was raining and I brought WD-40 to dry her spark plug wires.
(That's what it was invented for.)
She had coffee on and invited me inside her apartment.
I found out that the kids were her (now my) nieces and nephews.
We started dating, and married a month later.
Yesterday was 26 years.
I'm happier now than I was then.


  1. Happy anniversary, friends! God has certainly blessed you. :)

  2. Love hearing stories like this. Wonderful!

    Happy Anniversary.

  3. Sometimes, the largest blessings in life are good marriages. I think you have one, and it's good to see such things happen.

  4. Congratulations Ed and Scherie !

  5. Beautiful story. Hubby and I are ahead of you by ten years. You had WD-40 and we had duct tape. Hey, whatever works ;)

  6. AWESOME! Congrats you two kiddies. I see you failed to mention whether or not you got the car started. Then again, you did get a cup of coffee. Happy Anniversary :)

    1. If there is ever a question of my getting a car started....

      Thank you my friend.

  7. It's the little things, and congrats to y'all!

  8. ONE MONTH? HOLY MACKERAL! May you have MANY MANY more years ahead...nice to hear.

    1. Thank you.
      We went to see our pastor who had dated his wife for over two years and he gave us a hard time about marrying so soon.
      I pointed out that we were not novices at getting married :)
      During the "discussion" I asked if he had a box of kleenex.
      He went out into the receptionist office, came back and threw it at me.
      I knew I had him then. :)
