Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The Worker in the Cube Farm


Matthew 20:1-16 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 2 Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. 3 And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, 4 and said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went. 5 Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise. 6 And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day?’ 7 They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’

8 “So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’ 9 And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius. 10 But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius. 11 And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner, 12 saying, ‘These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’ 13 But he answered one of them and said, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? 14 Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. 15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’ 16 So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.”

As labor is short, especially qualified help, the kind of wages being offered new hires surpasses the level the workers with seniority get by on.
I highly suspect that given the wage levels I'm offered regularly to leave my current employer reflect what the company will pay to replace my co-worker who left last year.
They are significantly higher than what I currently make.
And what I make now is just about what I made 3 years ago when I hired back in.

But I'm not a job hopper by intent, only by plant closures and circumstances not related to wages.

So the workers in the vineyards agreed to a wage. And the new guys got more. And the old guys felt cheated but were admonished to be happy with what they had.

I like my job and for the most part it is fulfilling. Jumping for more money might lead to discontent.

Frying pan/fire.

Any thoughts?


  1. Dont make a threat. Yet perhaps mention to your boss that you have received multiple job offers. Make sure you note that they approached you, not you approaching them. Tell them what was offered. Then say no more either way.

    1. I'm actually up for a promotion I'm not sure I want, but we will see.

  2. I absolutely agree with Mr. Galt. Never threaten. Rather, thoughtfully contemplate what would enjoy as a profession for the next 5-10 years. What environment? What hours? Location? Skills necessary to achieve the desired position? Then, having definitive criteria, seek out that 'perfect' job.

    1. The only times I've threatened to walk was over management stupidity and it was dealt with.
      And there is no "perfect job".
      One thing I tell co-workers is that almost all companies are run by the same guidelines and have the same flaws, with a few spectacularly bad cases.

  3. I job hopped for many years . Often it turned out well and now and then it did not . One year I set my record and had 13 W-2's when I filed taxes . The reason I hopped most times was ungodly management and/or employees . One time it was a skin flint Christian owner of the business . The average pay for heavy equipment mechanic was $20+ an hour and I hired in at $7.50 . When I complained to the other employees at lunch one day they all got mad at me because I was making more than them . The next day Mr Skin flint put a notice up on the board that it was against company policy to divulge wages to other employees . This was back in the early 80's .

    1. Wow. I maxed at 6 hops one horrible year.
      One employer after another lied about the position .

  4. The issue of wages aside, try to recall what your life was like when you didn’t have a job to go to in the morning. You might ask yourself whether you go to work for the wages, or some other reasons. There are some who will argue that having a task to perform is one of life’s joys, while having no tasks leaves us isolated and depressed. In any case, decide in favor of whichever of those is your priority.

    My neighbor of several years back was facing one of those downsizing situations, and as I recall, his company told him that he could stay on with them at a reduced wage and struggle with the temporary effects of rebuilding the company, or he could take a severance and go his merry way. With two kids in college, he took the severance and was soon picked up by a competing company with a substantial increase in income. Money in pocket, sold house, moved to new state, bought new home, assumed new position, bought a boat, new car — and six months later the new company surprised everyone by folding the tent, and did so with a couple of weeks. It was financially ruinous for my neighbor. He ended up working as a laborer in a lawn service. He did not receive much joy in that job; it was one of those riches to rags stories no one wants to hear.

    1. I actually would work my current job for free if I could afford it.
      I once was enticed to work at a friends facility in Jax that had just opened and was featured prominently in trade magazines.
      Scherie's family (mine now) lives in Jax. I visited the plant while on vacation. Looked great. A month later it was shuttered.

  5. I passed on a job for better pay ,even though I thought my boss Could have paid better, because my boss was a calm,level headed guy who never hollered or anything. Never regretted staying with a known environment. The guy that competitor hired didn't last.

  6. Sort of feeling the same way. I left full time work a little over 10 years ago in order to finish raising Sunshine (and to be able to keep my sanity). It was a definite struggle monetarily, and also on a personal level. Imagine learning your worth in life is really tied to how much money you bring home.

    But, then, time for college! Oh crap. Went back to the first place (tiny office - not a firm) I could find in the summer of '20 (making $3 less than I made when I'd left 10 years before). Got a dollar raise within the first couple of months. HATED the job. Liberals. They were SO APPALLED at what had happened on January 6, but not at all at canceling cops, permissible riots, shutting down pipelines, lying, cheating, stealing, etc. And they complained about Trump, often and loudly, every day. You know how Dems do. Found another job making the same amount (but was offered $2 more to stay at the liberals' place - Umm, NO).

    The new job is horrible too, but I'm working for a very nice guy. Catholic, (moderate, he claims) Democrat, and EXTREMELY disorganized.

    I feel like I really only need to keep a job like this for two more years, 'til Sunshine graduates. Then I want to do home childcare (with HOME SCHOOLING - pretty sure anyone who WANTS their kid in a public school now is likely deranged). I feel it's what God wants me to do, but I also want to get my daughter through college before I start trying to do anything not tried and tested.

    So, do I stay where the money is "sufficient" but I'm fairly miserable, because the boss is a nice guy, or do I go back to a large cubicle farm where I'll be paid closer to what I'm worth and not have to work NEARLY as hard every day?



    1. That sounds like a reason to pray.
      The answer you get can comfort you that you are doing the right thing.
      I once was so miserable in a job that I complained about it daily.
      One day at a dinner to send off my best friend's family to Haiti for the mission field, a pastor I did not particularly like and who knew nothing of my situation gave me a book to read he felt led to share.
      I read it the next day (Sunday). I only read the first two chapters about Joseph and his career path.
      Favored son, slave, favorite manager, prisoner, dream teller then ruler of Egypt with no complaining.
      The next day I apologized to my boss for my rudeness to him and that God had caused me to repent of it.
      He left me there to resign his position and recommend me for it. He and I became friends and supervisors there for 9 years.

  7. Money ruins everything.
    I worked 26 years as an EMS helicopter pilot, making less than I could have made landing the machine on a yacht somewhere. I wanted to fly close to home. I wanted to feel my work was "helping others".
    Retired in 2013. I'm now working for minimum wage delivering "Meals on Wheels" to SOME people that actually need the service.
    The time between '13 and today was uncomfortable for me.
    Was it Cindy Lauper that reminded us "Money isn't everything"?

    1. It's not. Unless you're starving.
      i met a guy on a plane once as he was flying to Ireland to vacay with his wife. He was a successful business owner in Detroit. I recognized him. I said it must be nice to be successful.
      He asked what I defined success as and I said being able to fly your wife to Ireland for vacation.
      He shared with me a story of a food processor he knew. I was familiar with the brand and you are too.
      I was told his story of his rise to "success".
      I said, that sounds like success.
      I was then told that he was an alcoholic on his third marriage and still in therapy.
      Money isn't everything.

  8. I used to tell guys that reported to me that if they wanted a raise, they should give notice and see if a counter offer was made.
    It's often the only way.

  9. I go with Galt. Had several jobs, and then my own business for 10 years. I sniffed trouble in 2 good offers and passed. I took another like that - and shouldn't have. Gone in 8 months. Sometimes we know. If I'm fulfilled, happy and believe I'm contributing appropriately to the firm I'd stay. Saying a prayer for you now.

  10. Then there are other things beside the salary. When I left after 25 years I had six weeks vacation annually, 12 sick days and on and on. Plus the pension. The time off meant everything to me.

    1. This is the first job I've had since the Air Force (4 weeks) where I got up to 3 weeks of vacation before leaving.
      Funny thing is that I signed on in 2007, left in 2010, came back four years ago and they've got me down for 15 years seniority.
      They never took me out of their system.

    2. And I always have unused vacation at Christmas.
