Monday, October 31, 2022

A Talk with Kristina Karamo

 I blog via radio these days.
These broadcasts and their prep consume a lot of the creative juices I have after my abnormal workweek.
And I stand by my work there. I've had accolades for it from listeners and I find the radio audience with a greater reach than I suspect sometimes.

But the response to posting the podcast of the show is underwhelming to be frank.

The podcast market is a crowded one with only so many hours a listener can give ear to.
I am in that same boat.
Especially when there are popular daily podcasts that clock in at 3 hours.

My son just sent me a link to a podcast that he recommended at 9 hours length!

I normally sit in and co-host the show prior to mine, Moment of Clarity.

Saturday, my Friend pastor Rick asked me to take his show besides mine.

It worked out well, I believe.
It certainly led into my show thematically in a way that I did not expect.

Part of the Mission Statement for my broadcast is How Should Christians Approach Politics?

I asked Pastor Dan McGhee to sit in with me and we talked to Kristina Karamo who could well be the next Secretary of State for Michigan.
I pray she is.

Your American Heritage 10 29 2020


    Good prep, Ed. It's a LOT of work. Good job. Prayers for Pastor Rick. A head hit is never to be taken lightly. It's kind of like saying "mild" myocarditis.

    These politicians lie at the drop of a hat. When I was a kid a neighbor used to go to John Tunney's town halls. She brought his voting record along. He would just say what he thought was popular with the crowd that night. She'd get up and ask "then why did you vote such and such?"

    If Whitmer had not wanted the schools shut down, it would not have happened. And yes, I recall you could buy seeds in a big box store, but not at the grocery store. Huh?

    Sorry, I can't support your caller's thesis of a staged attack on Pelosi. Nobody hires out that kind of damage. Thank you for addressing that. It makes us look bad. I did not find it odd that no alarm went off. But I thought it was a daytime attack. Just be careful, folks. I DID think of the original House of Cards. :) (The one where his wife offed him in the end.)

    Wish I were in Michigan where my vote might have a chance to do something good.

    Stand up? You're channeling Catherine Fitts.

    "We should not have rebelled against the crown."

    Those who say that need a lot more background. Starting with the Glorious Revolution of 1688 (that brought William of Orange to the throne). The one the did not lead to civil wars, but civil reform. It resulted in the hallmarks of representative government, guaranteed liberties, the foundations of global capitalism, and a foreign policy of opposing aggressive foreign powers. The trend toward absolutism that James was also leading (in step with continental monarchs) was turned aside by King William.

    Many philosophers of the founding referenced RESTORING their rights codified after 1688. They argued that parliament and King George III were denying the rights granted to them in the revolutionary settlement of 1689 and following in the 1690's. And while they never established a national church or a monarch, they copied many features of those settlements: yearly sessions of congress, a national bank and a funded debt, the second amendment right to bear arms, and so on.

    So WHO was rebelling? It was the crown against its contract with the people. And our founders called them out on it.

    Great to hear candidate Karama. Prayers for her.

    1. Mustang seems to have a different opinion about the Revolution at

      I'm quite aware of economic forces and the disputed "fair share of the war debt" demands. It could also be viewed that England had a milk cow and intended to milk it. Britain was in a much wider war with France that was bleeding them, needed money and were clueless about colonial perspective. Much as the governors of each of our states.

      There's an old saw that you don't pick an argument with a man who buys ink by the barrel. As Mr. Trump also learned. Page Smith's excellent volumes of the history of the nation bring out the humanity and opinions of both sides well. While Michael Barone has made it clear that without knowing about the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England we cannot understand the impetus that birthed ours.

      I don't say I disagree that men used to running their affairs and having established and practiced local autonomy since the early 17th century got owly about patrician attitudes and moves to milk the cow. They had real beefs, and manufactured ones to get attention.

      Colonial assemblies brought men of similar mind and capacity together and trained them in modern governance of a larger mass. The comment "when the United States government was fully formed, it established laws, policies, and enforcement mechanisms nearly identical to those imposed by British parliamentary tradition" echoes my perspective even though the thrust of the post is on the rebel heart.

    $700,000 does a lot more than verify signatures. Amen!!

    As to her comments on what Zuck Bucks buy .... Vote at Home is pushing brazenly for private takeovers of running elections from within the city clerk's domain. The sure don't want SOS's like her!
    They run a get-out-the-vote drive for Dems right in the city clerk's offices. (A drive that would be impossible if elections were held properly, on one day only.)

    In Milwaukee, for example, a private New York Democratic operative (funded by Zuck Bucks) called the shots, helped design ballots (in many locales), and sidelined the city clerk. The Democratic mayor's chief of staff stated "I took my orders from him." He had keys to the central counting facility and access to all the machines before election night. He advised, handled ballots, had access to see how votes were counted. He gave orders to poll workers and seemed to be the one running the count operation on election night. The city clerk was able to draw the line at giving him direct access to the voter database, but he did get daily reports from the city of absentee ballots received and outstanding by precinct. Now what did he do with those? How many city clerks did not draw that line?

    "They don't have time to follow the law." That's what Pfizer claimed. Wanted 75 more years to review before releasing their data. The same data that the FDA reviewed in mere weeks.

    This just in: "With her Trumpesque opponent, Tudor Dixon, breathing down her neck, the glassy-eyed Covidienne [that's your guv luv] needs all the help that she can get; and that, reportedly, is why Obama showed up yesterday, two weeks after Kamala Harris went to Michigan to cackle on the governor’s behalf." Mark Crispin Miller had a good article on it.

    1. That's a very good article.
      I tend to think the hecklers were plants.
      I pray Whitmer is rewarded for her calumny.

    2. BAYSIDER.
      Yup. Gotta be careful about hecklers and false flag plants. During a local rally for a presidential election, someone in the audience was calling out nasties as if he were a Republican, making them look bad. Another party saw them on the way out, had parked nearby and saw their car with its leftie stickers.

    3. Pretty much, if a car is cluttered with bumper stickers, it's owned by a lefty.

  5. Breaking News.
    As Barack Obama was campaigning for his former VP Joe Biden the crowd was chanting FJB so loud that Obama’s words were drowned out. He couldn’t control his crowd as they chanted FJB. Continually He was really upset and throwing a fit on the stage.
    I heard he wanted to stop filming so people wouldn’t share and tweet the clip.

    You could tell that Barry was pissed off when they ignored his command to be quiet as Barry started yelling at his supporters he was so angry that he was stuttering and waving his finger, and lost his cool.
    I would guess that's because Biden is an idiot. He really doesn't know anything but what Obama taught him. Biden was just Obama's white boy. He doesn't have the brains to come up with anything new. All he can do is try the same crap that Obama tried to pull, and that crap ain't going nowhere today, it’s much to late fro Obama or anyone else to save that Potato-Head.

    1. That FJB chant was fun, but a hoax.
      I originally bought into it until I could not reconciled it to the full video.

  6. The podcasting/broadcasting world is 'strange' to put it mildly, and a 9 hour podcast? No thanks!!!
