Monday, October 24, 2022

Tami Carlone and Matt Deperno Interviews

Your American Heritage Radio Show 10 15 2022

Tami Carlone is running for the Michigan State Board of Education

She is exactly the type of person we need in that role.

Matt Deperno is running against the thoroughly corrupt pervert Dana Nessel to be the next Attorney General for the state of Michigan.
Nessel is famous for declaring we need a tranny in every classroom.

Deperno answered a caller with a question about the indictment he may face and he batted it out of the park! 


  1. Both excellent interviews. It reminds me of a cross roads California was at years ago. Keep strip clubs open but close churches, the bedrock of social support and personal goodness. Good luck in Michigan! Prayers for you.

  2. Wish I had waited for the last minute to comment. I was appalled at Nessel's botching of the Flint water case for brazen partisan politics. And now - thanks to HER - the injured don't have a chance for justice?? Wow. Just wow. Another candidate Dante could have considered for his 10th level of hell.

  3. Thanks for interviewing Terry due to her efforts to dig into the inner workings of education. Likewise, thanks for interviewing Matt Deperno due to his opposition to the liberal stances of Ms. Nessel. One question I have centers on the school libraries of your area: do you also find yourselves buried by "award-winning" books with explicit homosexual descriptions and illustrations?

    1. In Dearborn, the large congregation of Muslims, the school libraries have porn in them. The Christians are irate. The Muslims are irate.
      One of the parents who brought this out at a board meeting was supposed to be interviewed on my show, but she was facing death threats and backed out of the interview.
      I can't even reach her now.
