Saturday, July 22, 2023

A Conversation with Bill Federer on Governance

 My guest today is noted historian, author and all around good guy, Bill Federer.

Bill is a nationally known speaker, historian, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America’s noble heritage.

Bill’s AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet. His Faith in History television airs on the TCT Network on stations across America and via DirectTV.

Bill has a website called and you can get a daily email from him with a history article for the day by signing up for it there. Or just put the link on your homepage and visit it daily.

So, I was looking for an agenda for the show today and I got the message from above. Let Bill be Bill.

That’s what Scherie told me.

Bill’s got a book in the works and he’s going to talk to us about that because it fits the premise of the show.

Your American Heritage 7 22 2023


  1. Good show.

    I finally have an answer to my long-time burning question: Why in the WORLD would they want to defund? Be soft on crime, bail out criminals (actual hig--ranking people in gov't!). And most recently, suspend bail.

    Wouldn't want the subjects to get off the plantation and learn that they're actually co-kings.

    Democrats will tell you what's best for you. And you'll take any crumbs they throw you and be happy about it or else.


    1. "... you'll take any crumbs they throw you and be happy about it or else."
      You vil own nuthing und you vil be happy!

  2. If the tables were turned, a President Trump would have pardoned his son Donald Trump Jr by now, right?
    I don't recall Dems forcing their religion into public laws.
    I don't recall Dems fanatically supporting an election-denying, indicted criminal and insurrectionist traitor.
    I don't recall Dems ending our history of peaceful transfer of power and calling it "legitimate political discourse".
    I don't recall Dems PRAISING thugs after they terrorized congress and beat cops to overturn an election.
    I don't recall Dems's fanatic loyalty to a man who praised thugs for storming the Capitol.
    I don't recall Dems refusing to vote on a SC Justice nominee because an election was EIGHT months away, only to ram through another theocrat WHILE an election was in progress.
    I don't recall Dems banning books and firing teachers for making white people "uncomfortable" with real history.

  3. Um, gosh, Dave, there's a lot you don't remember apparently. Dems are forcing their religion into public laws and through untold bureaucratic edicts. We can start with their green religion. Then move on to DIE.

    Don't recall anyone - Dem or Rep - supporting an actual insurrection. The closest would be that affair in Seattle that the Dem-controlled city let continue until murders were committed in the "zone." Dems ended our history of lawful transfer of power with a chorus of denials of facts and coverups of same in a blatant attempt to deny a potentially 'real' winner his office. Would these have made a difference in the election? How could we know when legitimate concerns were de-platformed and even threatened with jail? Almost entirely by Dems who breached the law in many places to do it, like Pennsylvania.

    I recall Dems - led by the perpetually wrong Joe Biden - refusing to vote for YEARS on super qualified minority judicial candidates for key federal court positions just to keep them off of the runway for a SCOTUS nomination. By all rights Janice Rogers Brown should be on the court now instead of that fraud who does not know what a woman is. Just this past 2 months we've had headlines with Dems for banning truth in books and firing teachers for making liars uncomfortable with their lies.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Baysider,
    Thank you for your response.
    Denying women reproductive freedom happens to BE a religious belief.
    "Green and DIE" are not religious beliefs. They are about caring for our planet and fellow human beings. But your false equivalence goes even further.
    "Dems ended our history of lawful transfer of power with a chorus of denials of facts and coverups of same in a blatant attempt to deny a potentially 'real' winner his office."
    Now THAT is pure cult religion. No evidence is shown or even required. Just BELIEVE in Dear Leader. He could NEVER lie, amirite? MOST Americans know he's a liar.
    One more time:
    By all counts, recounts, certifications, courts, and audits:
    BIDEN 51.3%
    81,283,361 Popular votes, 306 Electoral
    TRUMP 46.8% (WAAH! Fraud! Rigged!)
    74,222,960 Popular votes, 232 Electoral
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not real. Imagine for one moment that Trump is a liar. Then you will begin to see the light.
    Instead it is easer to take the path that rejects critical thinking and embraces lies, anger and hate. You now NEED Trump to define your reality.
    And Biden voted for Clarence Thomas, your favorite token corrupted by his rich sugar daddy with a Nazi fetish,.
    It would be nice if you could actually cite truths that Dems banned. I expect no proof of this.
    Rudy has admitted he lied about those Black women election workers that Trump demonized. Their lives were threatened by Trump and Rudy's LIES.
    Not that you care.
    Dear Leader is all-knowing, honest, wise and infallible. And you wonder why others see Trumpism as a cult? He lost a fair election. As I noted people will die and KILL for his lies.
    But then, you think 1/6 was justified and "patriotic". So did Hitler's mob in his 1923 Putsch. How many more must die for his lies?

  6. Loved the interview. Especially: "The Devil has to start from scratch again." I've sometimes ruminated on how the devil may like the idea of life extension to make his job easier. Well, now, he has Dr. Harari.

    History has been tribalism led by the strong horse. I like how he brought in virtue as essential for a republic. Our founders knew that. We have forgotten. It's why it's hard to understand what IS the American system if you lack virtue. But easy when you contrast it with the French revolution. We limit government by the exercise of self-control. And that is an overflow of virtue. We are being pushed back to tribalism by the left.

    I wonder how "accidental" the no bail crime deal is too. Catherine Austin Fitts says some of this is a real estate acquisition plan. Let the town burn out or run down and it can be bought for less. She bases this on what she learned as a HUD secretary and observed in the 2020 riots.

    Good development of the codifications of limitations of powers. Our founders separated the powers among lawgivers, judges and kings to do that. "How to use selfish greedy people to keep selfish greedy people from controlling other selfish greedy people." It is definitely the tragic view of man. The Anointed refuse to see it to all our harm.

    We used to have SEPARATION OF POWERS. We now have UNIFICATION OF POWERS where they operate as one cabal.

  7. Mr. Trump lost an election more full of irregularities, shifty and illegal activity than I've seen in my lifetime. A now-prominent Democratic Hillary supporter developed a pretty well qualified estimate of how an extra 4+ million votes were ginned up for her. They did not realize how much more popular a man would be whose message was to have dinner with the people instead of dining on the people. It seems they did not make that mistake again.

    You say "you think 1/6 was justified and "patriotic." We've run into this before. You have no idea what I think - clearly by making that comment - and I suspect only came up with that 'conclusion' by raiding your favorite sound bite box. It's true, that when people disagreed with shuffling stuff under the rug that needed investigation they did not - say - run out and loot Footlocker, but went closer to the source of those who could demand that investigation. After a fashion, one could say that IS more 'patriotic' than looting Footlocker when you're mad. But in a nation with more firearms than people, and thousands of people come to a protest sans their firearms, insinuating that is an "insurrection" is a real head scratcher.

    As an original environmentalist it is easy to distinguish my stewardship of the Creator's property I've long practiced from the left's worship of the Creator's property that drives the green agenda. That's religion.

    1. I have seen, just as recently as a couple days ago, the religious fervor of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
      The excited bright eyes while making wild allegations.
      Allegations such as Dave here presents that I just don't care to argue with. They will not relinquish their religion.


  8. I’m going to share some facts now.
    Fact #1:
    Facts are not "allegations".

    Trump supporters are full of assertions, allegations, and accusations that cannot be supported by facts. True derangement is ignoring, dismissing and denying reality and facts.

    Fact: Trump lies. As president he lied about the size of his inauguration crowd through his Big Lie that he won the 2020 election. He accuses Democrats of being communists. Anyone who says that is a liar. Anyone who believes that is just angry, hateful, and ignorant, with a near religious reverence for the Sacred Word of Trump. A man who tells them who to blame and who to hate.

    I’m told: “Mr. Trump lost an election more full of irregularities, shifty and illegal activity than I've seen in my lifetime. A now-prominent Democratic Hillary supporter developed a pretty well qualified estimate of how an extra 4+ million votes were ginned up for her.”

    Yes, the opinions are strong here, but the facts are not. Yes, the fact is Trump LOST an election that did feature “irregularities” due to covid. The rest is pure BS.

    Fact: Irregularities DO NOT constitute fraud. Americans exercising their right to vote by mail wasn’t evidence of fraud.

    Fact: The counting of those votes went late into the night largely due to Republicans demanding they be counted ON election day.

    Fact: For this reason, Trump demanded, “Stop the count!” At this point Trump’s election interference was put in action. It would involve a Big Lie, fake court cases, fake electors, and sending an angry mob to the Capitol to overturn the election. Many duped participants are facing justice. So is their mob boss. In his stolen document crime spree, we learned, “The boss wanted the server deleted”.

    Yes, there was a small number of cases of voter fraud. Most by Republicans it seems. “The Villages” in Florida was one such location.

    I’ll bet nobody here knows that a wife of a northwestern Iowa county supervisor has been charged with 52 counts of voter fraud after she allegedly filled out and cast absentee ballots in her husband's unsuccessful race for a Republican nomination to run for Congress in 2020.

    How would you ever know this? Republican propaganda ignores such facts and realities. This is why nobody here can show that Trump won, or massive fraud tilted the election.

  9. Facts do not support Trump’s Big Lie.

    By all counts, recounts, certifications, courts, and audits:
    BIDEN 51.3%
    81,283,361 Popular votes, 306 Electoral
    TRUMP 46.8% (WAAH! Fraud! Rigged!)
    74,222,960 Popular votes, 232 Electoral

    Trump was told he lost and that there was no evidence of massive voter fraud that could change that FACT.

    More Facts:

    Christopher Krebs, Trump’s director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, said the election was "the most secure in American history", and there “is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

    So Trump fired him.

    Facts: On December 1st 2020 Trump’s Attorney General William Barr said, “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

    Barr also looked into allegations that voting machines across the country were rigged to switch Trump votes to Biden votes. He received two briefings from cybersecurity experts at the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. “We realized from the beginning it was just bullshit,” Barr said, noting that even if the machines somehow changed the count, it would show up when they were recounted by hand. “It’s a counting machine, and they save everything that was counted. So you just reconcile the two. There had been no discrepancy reported anywhere, and I’m still not aware of any discrepancy.”

    Trump was enraged.
    “Did you say that?”
    “Yes,” Barr responded.
    Trump: “How the f-k could you do this to me? Why did you say it?”
    “Because it’s true.”
    The president, livid, responded by referring to himself in the third person: “You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump.”
    This is Barr’s sworn testimony.

    Fact: Trump’s own White House Counsel told him he lost and there was no evidence of widespread fraud.

    Oddly, nobody here denies the legitimacy of ANY Republican who won. ONLY Democrats won by “cheating”. Again, ZERO evidence is provided to support these claims, just hate for democrats and blind faith in a liar and his minions. As evidenced by Trump’s Putsch mob that stormed the Capitol, they would kill and die for their beloved Fuhrer.

    So fantasy must replace reality: ” thousands of people come to a protest sans their firearms, insinuating that is an "insurrection" is a real head scratcher.”

    Fact: They were sent to the Capitol to overturn the election.
    Facts: Most were unarmed. Many were armed. Remember they were not arrested at the scene of their crimes.
    Fact: Weapons were confiscated from those attending the rally.
    Fact: Sworn testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson indicated Trump was impatient with his crowd having to pass through magnetometers.
    Fact: Her sworn testimony indicated Trump wanted to allow them to bring weapons: “I heard the president say something to the effect of, ‘I don’t f-ing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f-ing mags [metal detectors] away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here.’”
    Facts: Trump watched his mob terrorize Congress and beat cops for HOURS and REFUSED to call off his mob until 4:17 p.m. He wanted them to overturn the election.

    These FACTS indicate seditionist and insurrectionist intent.

    One more fun fact: ALL the sworn testimony given against Trump to the Jan. 6 House Committee, AND to grand juries, is from Republicans and White House personnel.
