Friday, October 20, 2023

Western Civilization, The Battle of Tours, The Reconquista, Gaza, and Good vs Evil

Ed Bonderenka speaks with Mark Tapson about the War on Western Civilization, The Battle of Tours, The Reconquista, Gaza, and Good vs Evil. 

Mark is the Shillman Fellow on Popular Culture for the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

He writes for Front Page Magazine. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson”

Your American Heritage 10 14 2023


  1. Former Hawaii congresswoman and recent departee
    of the Democratic Party Tulsi Gabbard compared
    President Joe Biden to Adolf Hitler while
    campaigning for a Republican Senate candidate on

    Gabbard had been speaking at an event for New
    Hampshire GOP Senate candidate Don Bolduc when
    she said she was “pretty sure” both Biden and Hitler
    had good intentions to justify their authoritarian
    behavior. The former Democrat also stated she was
    sure that authoritarians and dictators throughout
    history "all believe they’re doing what’s best,”
    according to audio obtained by The Daily Beast.

    “Even Hitler thought he was doing what was best
    for Germany, right? For the German race," Gabbard
    said. "In his own mind, he found a way to justify the
    means to meet his end. So when we have people
    with that mindset, well, you know we’ve got to do
    whatever it takes because, as President Biden said
    in that speech in Philadelphia, that those who
    supported Trump, those who didn't vote for him are
    extremists and a threat to our democracy.
    So once again Biden sounded like Hitler!

  2. The Democratic Socialists of America – which is backed by members of the so-called "Squad" – is holding a rally in support of the Palestinian and are calling for a Ceasefire, and that Israel should not retaliate!
    Does Anyone give a Rats Ass about what they Want?
    I think Not!

  3. This is interesting. When Trump ”lies” he is indicted and should go to prison.

    When Joe Biden lies,it is a “BLIND SPOT”.

    We now know that Joe knew he was lying when he said that Trump was lying during the debates.

    CNN continues to turn on Biden. It is fascinating to watch the turn

  4. Not heard of the Battle of Tours? THE first major road block to muslim expansion into Europe? 150 miles from Paris with nothing in between? Who is that?

    One gal screeched "there can not be an ethno-supremacist state." Wonder what her position is on Pakistan's existence? And the millions in turmoil and loss to create a pure muslim state? Yes, ignorant is the kindest adjective you can use. Talib would not condemn the murder of babies? Well, that's consistent with her position on abortion. Radicals like her who have thought their position often support infanticide both pre- and post-birth.

    More from Talib: "The tragedy of the holocaust is that the Palestinians, my ancestors, they lost their land and some lost their lives. ... In the name of trying to find a safe place for the Jews ... I love the fact that it was my ancestors." How sweet. She concludes with "why couldn't we do it in a better way?"

    As a matter of fact congress critter I've suggested a way ex post facto that has ALL parties in a great arc from Morocco to India admit culpability (in some cases, HER ancestors, e.g.) of their support of Hitler's persecution of Jews, and in all cases of the massive forced transmigration of hundreds of thousands of people across 1948 borders. Then we can review reparations - for all property and businesses lost (you did realize pre-Israel so many Jews purchased their land from locals, no?) starting with, say, the partition of India where one million died and 15 million were displaced. Then work our way west in context of this massive upheaval in which the hundreds of thousands of Jews were kicked out of their countries and their property and businesses confiscated. And the "Palestinian" neighbors telling them to go away to hunker down until they were done getting rid of the Jews.

  5. Like they say: Fraudulent elections have consequences and one of them is absolutely no accountability for the fraud corruption and incompetence they create or do not do.
    Biden’s record somehow has only gotten worse since he became president.
    The Arab world knows damn well as does everyone else that this president is Weak, and Senile. And no match for the other President’s or Leaders around the World of “Bad Guys”.
    Biden’s intelligence agencies. DoJ/FBI Stasi and their counterparts, commonly referred to as 'Five Eyes, are reoriented/reprioritized inwards in search of mystical Ultra MAGA domestic terrorists and what do you know, they experience one of the single greatest intelligence failures in US history.
    Sleeping with one eye open has become a necessity to wary Americans since 2021.
    As for “Sonny Boy” Hunter! I expected you Liberals, Progressives Democratic Socialist’s, and other lunatics to defend Hunter Biden but not to the extent that he lost a loved one which made him use drugs, and turn around to have an SEXUAL affair with his own Sister in law, and deny support to his own Child, and don’t tell me otherwise, because it already proven that she was his, not have anything to do with her life or even have her Grandfather even acknowledge her.
    Children don’t magically “get over” trauma such as this. Trauma, Toxic Stress, and adverse childhood experiences can, and usually permanently change children’s childhood, which can have serious, lifelong consequences. Didn’t that Weird bunch of Biden’s ever think of that! Of course not, they haven’t had a correct thought in decades.

  6. The Hamas leader behind the deadliest attack on Israel watched and celebrated the invasion from the safety of his Qatar office.

    Ismail Haniyeh was spotted with other Hamas officials cheering for joy before they prostrated themselves on the floor and praised God.

    It came as the terrorist group launched the single deadliest attack ever launched against Israel - which the Jewish state has claimed is “our 9/11".

    Everywhere Biden's changed Trump's policies, he' screwed up. Which was the worst clusterDope, Afghanistan of the Border?
    And how about Biden’s screw-Up in Afghanistan, what other country allows millions of illegal’s to simply pour in their country and hand them a Bus pass to just go anywhere they want to? And let alone during a Pandemic when even our own Citizans are under a very tight limit to travel?
