Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas is Here

Christmas is Here 
Modern Revisionism tries to critique our beliefs.

Was there really a Christ?
OK, but what's with this December 25th nonsense? It's just a pagan ritual.
To which I say Bah! Humbug!

One of the arguments is that shepherds would not have been out in December.

Or that such an auspicious day would fall on a Jewish holy day as does Passover and Pentecost etc.

Well. Alfred Edersheim wrote LIFE AND TIMES OF JESUS THE MESSIAH in 1883.

It's a scholarly tome, written by a Jew who took seriously Paul's (yes it was Paul!) admonition to the Hebrews that they should be teaching the gentiles. There is much to learn there.

You will find this there regarding the Birth: (I removed some of the references to make it more readable):

But as we pass from the sacred gloom of the cave out into the night, its sky all aglow with 2 starry brightness, its loneliness is peopled, and its silence made vocal from heaven. There is 3 nothing now to conceal, but much to reveal, though the manner of it would seem strangely 4 incongruous to Jewish thinking. And yet Jewish tradition may here prove both illustrative and 5 helpful.

That the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem,
In the curious story of His birth, related 6 in the Jer. Talmud, He is said to have been born in 'the royal castle of Bethlehem;' 7 while in the parallel narrative in the Midr. on Lament. the somewhat 8 mysterious expression is used. But we must keep in view the Rabbinic statement that, even if a 9 castle falls down, it is still called a castle, was a settled conviction. 10 Equally so was the belief, that He was to be revealed from Migdal Eder, 'the tower of the flock.'  This Migdal Eder was not the watchtower for the ordinary 11 flocks which pastured on the barren sheep ground beyond Bethlehem, but lay close to the town, on 12 the road to Jerusalem. A passage in the Mishnah leads to the conclusion, that the 13 flocks, which pastured there, were destined for Temple-sacrifices.

That passage shows that the flocks were pastured for the Temple and thus maintained yearlong.
And the Shepherds would be tending the sacrificial lambs! The angels had to tell them of the one nearby. 

But it gets better. There was a holy day that fell on Dec 25th! Remember the Feast of Dedication of the Temple takes places this time of year. Is not Jesus the Temple of God?

It was, then, on that 'wintry night' of the 25th of December.
There is no adequate reason 14 for questioning the historical accuracy of this date. The objections generally made rest on grounds, 15 which seem to me historically untenable. The subject has been fully discussed in an article by 16 Cassel in Herzog's Real. Ency. xvii. pp. 588-594. But a curious piece of evidence comes to us 17 from a Jewish source. In the addition to the Megillath Taanith, the 9th Tebheth 18 is marked as a fast day, and it is added, that the reason for this is not stated. Now, Jewish 19 chronologists have fixed on that day as that of Christ's birth, and it is remarkable that, between the 20 years 500 and 816 A.D. the 25th of December fell no less than twelve times on the 9th Tebheth. If 21 the 9th Tebheth, or 25th December, was regarded as the birthday of Christ, we can understand the 22 concealment about it.
That shepherds watched the 23 flocks destined for sacrificial services, in the very place consecrated by tradition as that where the 24 Messiah was to be first revealed. Of a sudden came the long-delayed, unthought of of 25 announcement. Heaven and earth seemed to mingle, as suddenly announcement. 

Whatever the date, the day was one on which all human history pivoted. The promise to Eve was fulfilled. A deliverer had come. Nations and peoples would rise and fall on Him.

And He will return to rule in righteousness. And by the looks of it, soon.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. Based on Marxist, and Communist identity politics, Kwanzaa is a one week-long celebration from December 26 to January 1 each and every year.

    Kwanzaa was artificially created in 1966 by Maulana “Ron” Karenga (born Ronald McKinley Everett), a militant communist associated with the black power movement of the 1960s and 1970s and Black Panthers groups posing as an African American scholars and activists also known as the Black Muslims. The Black Power movement focused on racial pride, self-sufficiency, and equality for Black and African people. The term "Black Power" was first used in Richard Wright's 1954 nonfiction work, Black Power
    In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Black Power became the rallying call of black nationalists and revolutionary armed movements like the Black Panther Party
    Kwanzaa, emphasizing black cultural identity, racial pride, and self-sufficiency, was always about empowering certain black leaders, fundraising, and building political coalitions based on racial grievances.
    Black Power movement leaders like Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, and Huey P. Newton believed that nonviolence was an outdated idea that had not been effective and that somthing had to change. . Many activists joined black nationalism groups like the Nation of Islam and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense to advocate for Black Separatism
    Karenga was involved in a horrendous criminal episode involving the torture of two women stemming from his authoritarian leadership role in the Black Nationalist group known as the “US Organization.
    The Bottom Line…Over the years, Karenga has maintained his position as an influential intellectual and the founder of Kwanza with Progressive Communist Democrats
    Kwanzaa is an ARTIFICIAL CREATION and all about identity politics, the further division of America along racial lines, and the empowerment of radical authoritarian black leaders with unlimited power in their respective black communities.

    For those who find inspiration in its teaching of self-reliance, remember this was the same message of the militant Black Panthers and mirrors the philosophy of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam who believed in NOT catering to the demands of other groups, but to do what ever was needed to do, and to Worship What You Want, but it Is Time to Put Aside the Hyphenated American and Concentrate on Being Americans in an Exceptional America.

  3. The day Beijing Biden leaves the White House, should be forever Known as "National Turn Your Back On that POS Day".
    Just like the military used to line up and turn their backs on "Dishonored" soldiers kicked out of the corps.......
    So should the entire USA be turning their backs on this Slimey, Oligarchy, Lying Piece of Shit. Puppeted Pedophile!!!

  4. Excellent Ed, really good historical information. Makes sense.

  5. As the Democratic Party looks around and finds itself in the political abyss, I'm starting to see some folks ask about who is going to lead them out of that abyss.
    The demented LEFT are the leftover damaged subverted demoralized zombies from the damage done by Biden’s four Miserable Destructive years . And then the aftermath of the Kamala Harris few and VERY Miserable Destructive ymonths.
    Personally, I think that if the person or people behind whom they rally keeps them on the same path that got them here, they're going to stay here. That means the new leader(s) of the party have to focus squarely on the Middle Class (if it isn't too late), and run directly away from the Identity Politics & Political Correctness that largely put them in this mess.
    I put them all into one big Mess that they equally created and caused the woke, the anti-whiteism, the anti-nuclear family, the Transgender crap, Men in Women’s Sports Crap the Drag Queen Reading Crap, the Same Bathroom Crap, the and all the other SOCIABLE CRAP-OLA. along with the DESTABILIZING CRAP is/was a direct result of the sickness that the retarded Marxists caused here. ALL of which has ultimately FAILED!
    "But we DO support the Middle Class!" they'll say. To which I would respond, "no, when you were screaming RACISM and HOMOPHOBIA and TOXIC MASCULINITY at people, when you were wrecking their careers and their businesses because they "offended" you, many of those people WERE the Middle Class. And who came running to defend them? The Republicans. MAKE UP YOUR MIND."
    Democrats find themselves in a familiar position: unable to point to a clear party leader as a sitting president prepares to hand over the reins to Donald Trump.

    They faced a similar quandary in January 2017, when Barack Obama was in his final days in office. Back then, some Democrats pointed to their powerful House leader and former speaker, Nancy Pelosi, as the rightful official at the head of their table.

    But some eight years later, it is far from clear who will become the party’s new chief around noon on Jan. 20, when Trump is slated to be sworn in and Joe Biden relinquishes his hold on the presidency.
    So, Democrats, which direction should the party take, and who do you see as your new possible leaders?
    Personally, I think that if the person or people behind whom they rally keeps them on the same path that got them here, they're going to stay here. That means the new leader(s) of the party have to focus squarely on the Middle Class (if it isn't too late), and run directly away from the Identity Politics & Political Correctness that largely put them in this mess.

    "But we DO support the Middle Class!" they'll say. To which I would respond, "no, when you were screaming RACISM and HOMOPHOBIA and TOXIC MASCULINITY at people, when you were wrecking their careers and their businesses because they "offended" you, many of those people WERE the Middle Class. And who came running to defend them? The Republicans. MAKE UP YOUR MIND."

    So, Democrats, which direction should the party take, and who do you see as your new possible leaders?

    Democrats are again ‘in between leaders’ as Biden prepares to leave office - And Kamala is in a dither not knowing what she will do next to completely SCREW-UP whatever part of the Party she didn’t screw up yet!
    Democrats are once again without a head honcho as Joe Biden prepares to leave office and hand the reins to Donald Trump.
    When will they see tat the 10 million no-skilled illegal aliens has driven the rents up, lowered the caliber of public education in working class neighborhoods, and decreased the value of their already modest ranch houses in the areas where they settle Go Down even Further?.

  6. In less than a month, elected Democrats will find themselves with a lot less power in Washington, with a Complete Republican -controlled House, Senate and The White House resulting in a landscape in which their ability to tussle with President-elect Donald Trump will be largely rhetorical.

    Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has already planed to blunt Trump’s MAGA agenda .
    But if the Democratic leaders have learned one thing from the Republicans over their big defeat, it’s that sometimes, the judiciary can be working against the opposing party getting what it wants. As, Senate Democrats have approved 235 of Biden’s judicial picks, eclipsing Trump’s 234 first-term judicial nominations.
    Chuckles Schumer has been FIRED by the American voter as Senate Majority Leader. One has to wonder if Chucky himself realizes that?
    I don’t know the lying douchbag realizes that!. Because Chucky stood on the capital stars and said But I can tell you this: The judiciary will be one of our strongest — if not our strongest — barrier against whatever he does, says the Big Mouthed FORMER Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer!
    HOWEVER! The Republicans will control all three branches of government after Trump won the 2024 election in a landslide with huge down ballot victories.
    The Republicans kept control of the House of Representatives and took control the Senate in a huge governmentwide sweep this election.
    The US Supreme Court currently has 6 Conservative justices and 3 three liberal justices.
    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has rammed through a record number of judges on his way out the door. Schumer warns Trump: Intel officials ‘We have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you’
    “The Democrats are trying to stack the Courts with Radical Left Judges on their way out the door. Republican Senators need to Show Up and Hold the Line — No more Judges confirmed before Inauguration Day!” President Trump said
    So much for an impartial honest judiciary appointed by Democrats, and So Much for a “Smooth Transformation” ...
    I think that “Chucky Pooh” Does Not Appear to Realize That He Does NOT Carry the Weight He Once Did.! And if he’s not careful, CHUCKY MAY END UP AS A SIDEWALK HOT DOG VENDOR

  7. Perhaps this wasn’t so surprising, for Biden and the medical condition he’s presently in that he had previously accused his predecessor of being a “fascist” who, if not actually another Hitler, who was “sort of like Goebbels,” the Nazi propaganda minister. While such rhetoric is outrageous for any sitting U.S. President, especially Joe Biden’s words and policies reflect the view prevailing throughout the ideological left, which dominates today’s : sad, and Pathetic Democratic Party and swathes of the media
    Calling a Conservative person a fascist is a stupid, and mindless accusation. It may stop an argument in its tracks, ends the conversation and often results in the belittled target slinking away hurt and wondering how such well-reasoned ideas as those they offered could be subsumed under such a hideous ideology. And it actually show the Stupidity of the accusation. caller. I personally feel that the .accusation. caller. Themselves know very well that the accusation is not only ridiculous but it just doesn’t fit or make any sense what so ever. Conservatives and or Trump Supporters, and Trump himself is as far from being a “Hitler”, or a “Fascist” as could possibly be.
    The lefty is a loon calling Trump a modern day Hitler. Donald Trump is as far from being a “Hitler” as he possibly could be.
    Trump may be a lot of things, but a Hitler he is NOT! He may be a strong leader like Hitler was, But other than that, NO! That foolishness comes from decades and decades of to much Left-wing Kool-Aid drinking.
    You have to realize that the Democrat cult are easily led, easily change their perception, it just depends on what their favorite leftist news channel has spoon fed them. You know I say this an awful lot but when it comes to how bad the lefties on here remind me of a Saturday Night Live skit by Robert Di Nero. . They don't have a clue what they're talking about or even why they're outraged, but they just are. But the point is that it i totally absurd.

  8. The truth about the recently deceased Jimmy Carter is not pretty.
    I know that it’s not nice to speak poorly of the Dead, but Facts don’t lie.
    He was the WORST PRESIDENT IN MODERN HISTORY-- until Barack Obama assumed the position AND NOW JOE BIDEN HAS TAKEN HIS PLACE AS THE VEY WORST PRESIDENT THAT AMERICA HAS EVER BEEN GUILTY AS HAD. , And now Carter is looking even better with the title now being passed to the evil, corrupt, senile Joe Biden. All Democrats!

    Carter was an anti-Semite, hated Israel, and was the father of Iranian Islamo-Fascism and terror, which brought suffering and death to hundreds of thousands of people
    Perhaps the best thing we can say about Jimmy Carter is that he was patriotic and served his nation well meaning. He was a good hearted, and hard working man, . However, he was considered a “failure” by many as a president.
    However he has been saved as the “Worst” president that America has ever had by the present President Joe Biden WHO IS BY FAR THE WORST,

  9. The truth about the recently deceased Jimmy Carter is not pretty.

    He was the worst president in modern history-- until Barack Obama assumed the position, and now Carter is looking even better with the title now being passed to the evil, corrupt, senile Joe Biden. All Democrats!

  10. The mental illness of the Members of the Progressive Eruptions Ward has gotten worse with the death of former Presidential Jimmy Carter

  11. Merry Christmas to you and yours Ed!

  12. Let us take a good look at the person sitting in the Oval office of the White House right at this very minute! In a betrayal that cannot be overstated, members of Congress and presidential staffers who were privy to Biden’s deteriorating condition chose to keep it hidden, and the media is very eager to Cover it up. . With a Press Secretary who is lying her skinny ass off to protect the walking Zombi! Theyall allowed the image of a robust, capable leader to persist—while behind the scenes, unelected, unprepared assistants stepped in to make critical decisions in the name of a leader who is much too frail to lead, or to even make the correct decisions The all should be thrown in Jail for what they have allowed to happen to this one time Great Nation of ours!

    This wasn’t just a failure of transparency, this was MUCH more than that! This was a Complete Criminal Dereliction of Duty. There are no other words to describe it! It was a betrayal of not only their Jobs, but of the American people and a gift to our Enemies, who were all too aware that the nation’s leadership had been compromised. This was the one and only reason we saw Russia did what they did to Ukraine . And Look what had happened in Israel as well. Neither would have happened if Donald Trump were in Power instead of that Skinny, Lying Idiot. . who needs to be led around on a Leash by his Nurse Jill.
    This was the Deliberate Deception, by the Media, along with the Democratic party , and SHAME on them ALL ;;. : They All Are A Charade And a Fire on them ALL!

    When a nation is led by a President in Poor Health—whether Physical, Cognitive, or otherwise—there is an obligation to be honest with the public. This honesty is a constitutional and moral duty necessary for the nation’s security. This entire episode was presentable. And should not have happened. But it did. This was the biggest cover-Up job in the history of America. And it was covered up worse than the Cover-up by Richard Nixon
    And what if the people entrusted with the responsibility to safeguard that truth allowed the country to be misled? What if the Vice President is Incapable to carry on the job like Kamala Harris and a majority of cabinet are? And what if they all refuse to execute the provisions of the 25th Amendment, which deals with presidential incapacitation? Should we fire them all, and kick them all to the curb as they would do in their beloved Communist countries? I’d say YES, Sure! And I also say God Help Us, and God Bless Donald Trump for doing what he does best. Happy New Year,

  13. Rambunctious

    What bothers me is this current massacre in New Orleans is a clear act of domestic terrorism, just as the government, events like the discovery of January 6 bombs that have suspicious origins that suggest government malfeasance or active involvement, gives one the concern about .events like this, and the discovery of January 6 bombs that have suspicious origins that suggest government malfeasance or active involvement, gives one the reason for concern as to what the hell is our “Leader” doing, and why was this done without any obstacle on the part of the Criminal? Where the hell was our so called Department of whoever should have been there to prevent this?
    What bothers me is this current massacre in New Orleans is a clear act of domestic terrorism, and even with Committees, and Departments up the WALOOL, we still look like armatures , and we still are suffering deaths for NO REASON, while our President goes on Vacations and is afraid to face the music that he should have been preventing. And this just reinforces the FACT that our current President is INEPT and should have been retired years ago.
    And hopefully after this “event” in New Orleans, surely *Now* Liberals will support tougher control measures at our Borders, and allover the country. 15 people were killed and dozens more wounded when a man purposely drove into a crowd with his car in New Orleans, another case of a personally owned car being used in a ramming attack to kill and injure numerous people. Surely, surely now liberals will finally get over their addiction to personal car ownership and will support, a CLOSED BORDER as a first step. Of course, ultimately, if liberals will stop parroting the propaganda of the Trump Haters, and the slanted media, things like this one might not happen so easily.
    The Biden/Harris administration are FORCING automakers to create mass assault weapons, to be used against Americans.

    The Biden/Harris Administration are also creating refueling(reloading) stations on the tax payers dime.

    The Biden/Harris Administration is giving tax CREDITS to people buying these mass assault vehicles.
    And as Joe Biden stated Do NOT jump to any conclusions that we have again screwed the pooch in our infinite, Leftist, know EVERYTHING, but really know NOTHING brilliance. And by the way......I am not in cognitive decline as Republicans claim, I just stutter. Don't believe me? Just ask Winston Churchill. I talked to him last week on the phone, and Don’t forget that we have finally Broke Medicare!

  14. Joe Biden has spent 40% of his time in office on Vacation.. As of yesterday he took 570 days. And he still managed to screw things up royally. No wonder he has become the Worst President in history, by far.

    I wonder if , or When” someone will bring up Trump ti reflect the disaster of President Biden.

    Before Biden, Carter was the worst. But Not Even Close. Biden was just a doddering old, small time criminal. But Biden did FAR more damage to America and was responsible for paving the way for the criminal dimocrap scum party of today. Before Carter, they were nowhere near as bad. In fact, some of them were pretty good. But If you were to ask one of today's Progressives, they would of course Blame Trump for setting that record.
