I spoke to "Lego Man" J6th Political Prisoner Robert Morss.
You should listen.
He's former Army Ranger, High School History Teacher, Patriot, J6 Political Prisoner and
author of "One Question Remains", a great book that examines J6 in a way I haven't seen yet.
Robert was accused of being the mastermind of J6.
"Why" is hilarious.
The transcript is here.
Your American Heritage 1 4 2025 Hour 1 with Robert Morss
As for the Fires in LA what would you expect from a Communist L.A. Mayor taking a trip to Ghana, the lesbian L.A. Fire Chief diverting taxpayer funds into DEI programs, an ineffective, and inept Governor posturing for the cameras, and a President who looks at a screen showing a fire and then lauds himself as a new, and Great Grandfather.?
ReplyDeleteThis isn't Rocket Science here, it's all about Leadership and Management that we're seeing here instead we are seeing a Great Big Failure.. And all of these residents are paying the ultimate price for all of that.
And on top of all that the firefighters have said that they have not enough water to work with, and you may be able to make out the ember storm that we're in the middle of right now. These houses are going to be a total loss. If they have no water to put on this fire.
The Democrats, Liberals, Blacks, Hispanics, and even Gays are all starting to run to support Trumps now. I guess that after seeing Biden, and Harris screw up the Country they are beginning to see the light.
ReplyDeleteNow Trump has them turning on each other like Rats eating each other.
As for the post about the Incompetence of the Progressives
ReplyDeleteYou are completely right my friend. I’ve been saying the exact same thing for years now!
Personally, I hate them all! The Progressives, the Communists, the Anti Semitic Protesting Pro--Palestinian are bullshit of the Far Left is disgusting.
In a Devastating Poll that I read today, it says that Joe Biden will leave office as the 'Worst President' in Modern History, according to Voters .And I believe it. How did this country allow that man who is obviously Suffering from Debenture to stay in the office of the “Leader of the Free World” for 4 years, completely seeing, and LYING about the fact that he wasn’t sick? And the Creep Press Secretary of his who sees him every day says that he was “Sharp as a Tack”? What kind of Crap is that? And they expect us to believe and have faith in our Government?
Biden will leave office as the 'worst president' in modern history, according to voters in devastating poll
Biden will leave office as the 'worst president' in modern history, according to voters in devastating poll
J.L. Partners polled 1006 registered voters for their views on Joe Biden
Respondents were asked to rank nine recent presidents from best to worst
J.L. Partners polled 1006 registered voters for their views on Joe Biden
Respondents were asked to rank nine recent presidents from best to worst, and Biden was raked the “Worst”.
And the Left-wing Media endlessly describes President Trump of being a "Convicted Felon." When everyone knows what kind of trial that was. And what kind of Crooked Judge that was. I can guarantee that decision is going to be appealed and Over-Turned.
Those of us with three-digit IQ's recognize that these convictions represent not crimes that the former-and-future President committed, but rather object examples of the outrageous "law fare" campaign that the Left mounted against him to try and keep him from winning. But running against ether one of those 2 idiots Biden or Kamala was a given. Even if they didn’t kick Biden to the Curb, Kamala would have never beat The Donald. And God only Knows that it was a good thing that he did.
Trump will become president in less than 2 weeks and those phony charges will be overturned.
The American people have spoken and rendered their verdict on the "convictions" - all of them - the two impeachments, and nearly-infinite number of slanders, rumors, and blatant lies told about him. They have considered all of this, as well as his record of past successes and achievements , and found him not only to be innocent, but worthy of being our President. And all I can say is that I can’t wait to get RID of this Current administration along with Biden and his Crooked Family.
In stead of seeing a Confirmation Hearing we saw Dishonesty, Hypocrisy, Grandstanding, and Stupidity on display in Full Force
ReplyDeleteWhen the actual reason for a congressional hearings is clear: to gather information, to scrutinize decisions, to find out if a candidate is qualified to hold the powerful accountable, and craft informed policies that serve the public good. But all too often, these hearings descend into little more than platforms for legislators to grandstand, score political points, and engage in performative speechifying. The result? A spectacle that serves few except the self-interest of those involved, leaving the American people with little more than sound bites and empty rhetoric. But this is not want we saw, One of the most glaring problems with many congressional hearings is the structure of the questioning itself. Legislators are often allotted just five to seven minutes to interrogate the candidate .Instead we saw a vicious attack by just about EVERY one of the opposing parties questioners. We saw Hypocrisy to it’s highest level, we saw United States Senators who have shown us how LIARS could sit there and make fools out of themselves for have done exactly the same thing that they would hope they could convince the panel that the Candidate had doe the same thing, and they playing the “Catch Ya Game? It was a Shameful display of Hypocrisy and nothing else. .
In stead of getting to the heart of the matter, Instead of thoughtful questions aimed at understanding the nuances of complex issues, we often see rehearsed talking points delivered with the passion of a campaign speech. Politicians use their time not to probe, but to pontificate, positioning themselves as defenders of the public or crusaders against some enemy, real or imagined. But what we saw was a disgusting curcus grown Men, and Women making Jackass’s out of themselves. This doesn't advance the investigation or the policy conversation in any meaningful way. Instead, it turns a serious function of government into a stage for self-promotion
In the end, the Bullshit Nature of many congressional hearings diminishes the role of government in our democracy. Instead of serving as a platform for truth, accountability, and reasoned debate, these hearings too often become nothing more than political theater. The absence of meaningful discourse and the unchecked freedom to deceive or malign contribute to an environment where the real business of governance is overshadowed by the immature grandstanding of United States Senators playing the Partisan game and not at all trying to get the most qualified person in the job to help our President, and our Country, and that is Really PATHETIC..
DeleteWe saw Richard Blumenthal who was proved to misleading the voting public making False Claims of His Own in the Process.
We all can remember when Senator Richard Blumenthal told us talk about his fraudulent service in Vietnam, where for 12 years he told the people of Connecticut, as their Attorney General, that he was a great Marine War Hero. He Talked about his many battles of near death, but was NEVER in Vietnam. So he is a Total Phony. Yet he was able to Preach about “MORALS” to Pete Heggseth a decorated Combat Veteran. “PATHETIC”? I should think so!..These leftists never learn, do they? Sadly this has become the norm in Democratic Politics If you can believe it
Elizabeth Warren claimed that Pete Hegseth's Christian tattoos made him an "Insider Threat"
This coming from a US Senator that told the Country she was an American Indian to help her get
Warren’s claim which was widely interpreted as a sign that she intends to run for president in 2020, comes after years of controversy over her heritage. Warren has previously said she was part Cherokee and Delaware Indian, based on stories she heard growing up. Her ancestry first became a political issue in 2012, when she ran for Senate in Massachusetts. This questioned whether she received any advantages from claiming Native American ancestry, or not. Warren is a despicable hate and fear monger. And her Hypocrisy is Shameful.
And now today Pam Bondi, will face the same Hypocrisy, and Grandstanding at her hearing for theAG Nominee, Confirmation Hearing Held By Senate Judiciary Security Committee
The Dems are terrified that she will investigate the Democrats' lawfare to prosecute Trump and his allies, and the corruption of the Biden Crime Family, and the Deep State's spying on the Trump campaign/administration.
It will be interesting to see how the Democrats attack her. They will probably try to get her to promise not to investigate.
Depending on what she says, we can expect the last of the Biden blanket pardons to follow shortly afterwards. Pam Bondi is serious business. That will be a DOJ leader that's the best in a long, long time.
Her record as Florida’s AG was stellar!.
We will Soon see an End to Illegal Immigration
I'm going to mention some major issues facing our country and ask whether you believe the United States has made progress, stood still or lost ground in each during the last four years, since Joe Biden became president. ’ll give you MY Opinion right off the Bat!
ReplyDeleteI personally think that Not Only did the USA loose ground but the lost ground was on MAJOR ISSUES!
Lets face the facts, the U.S.A. has lost ground in six Major areas over the past four years that Joe Biden “Acted” as our President. And they including the Federal Debt , Legal Immigration, the gap between the Wealthy and less Well-off , the Economy , the United States’ position in the world and in Serious Crime. And we can add Race relations to that long list as well. Pluralities also say the nation has fallen behind in six other areas: Education, Terrorism, Trade Relations with other Countries, Race Relations, the Nation’s Infrastructure and Energy.
In fact more Americans believe the country has stood still on two issues -- the Economy and the situation for Black People -- than think it has also lost ground on Healthcare, National Defense and the Military, and Taxes, with relatively few seeing any progress in any of these areas.
And as for the Presidential Transition after Biden’s Worthless, and Inept Candidate Vice President, Kamala Harris, Lost the Election to Donald Trump., where is the “Peaceful Transition”? This team, this worthless Team has given NO Unity, and Nothing Peaceful to this country whatsoever!
This Country under the Biden Leadership no made any improvement during Biden’s presidency are the Nation’s Infrastructure, Trade Relations with Other Countries, the Economy, National Defense and the Military, the United States’ position in the world, Terrorism, Crime, Healthcare, Education, and or Race Relations. The only thing that this administration seemed to care about was the Situation for LGBTQ People, and “Climate Controls” Like telling us that we should not, and can not use anymore Plastic Straws,. Under Biden, Democrats has lost more ground than it has gained on the Federal Debt. And listening to that Moronic speech last night, you would think that we were losing a Genius of a President, instead of the Demented Sicko that we are FINALLY GETTING RID OF.
In an exchange between Attorney General nominee Pam Bondi and Democratic Senator Alex Padilla during her confirmation hearing, Pam Bondi erupted stating "I will not be bullied by you."
ReplyDeleteNow, here is a textbook case of a Male Senator bullying a woman, but the left seemingly has no qualms with it. After all she's nothing but a Trump nominee, right? So I'll ask all you two-faced Progressive hypocrites , where is your support for Women NOW? Where is the Outcry against Bullies like that creep?
So Donald Trump is “A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY” and NO BODY can't even tell me WHY? . Thank you as that's all I needed to know
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump “Never” received a fair trial and has been more recently been made an official convicted felon. No time in jail, no fines, no community service, he's just a convicted felon because the democrats say so. So how does that make him a threat to democracy?
So, I'm just going to kick back & enjoying watching Donald Trump’s Inauguration on Monday, and watch the Democrats, and Progressive’s melt down!
Isn't it Funny, Donald Trump is a Threat to Democracy, and Biden Gives The Medal of Freedom to George Soros!
SO! I guess that he’s a threat to democracy and you can't even tell me why. Thank you as that's all I needed to know
What I’ve learned from the CALIFORNIA WILDFIRES that have devastated is the profound impact of neglecting nature and making everything political like Governor Gavin Newsom has been doing.
ReplyDeleteThe potential damage of wind-whipped fires was well-known and predictable.
The political leadership ignored public safety concerns and preparations to concentrate their attention on political power dynamics, namely pumping funding into social programs to aggregate voters while targeting one individual that symbolized the opposition to their narrative-driven ideology.
These fires aren’t just a product of environmental factors but a stark reminder of how human activity, poor land management, and inadequate infrastructure can create the perfect storm something that the Progressives don’t and can’t seem to understand. .
Communities are being left to fend for themselves, struggling with the aftermath of physical destruction and the emotional cost of lost homes and livelihoods, while politicians and bureaucrats fight to preserve their cushy positions, political influence, and a profitable symbiosis with special interest supporters.
It’s the fault of the inept California Governor for not understanding the faux-complexity of a simple proposition.
It’s the fault of the inept California Governor, for not grasping the faux-complexity of a simple proposition. Instead of offering clear, logical solutions, their rhetoric is cloaked in convoluted jargon designed to make you feel inadequate for questioning the subject.
It’s no question that it’s very easy for these dense Progressives to point their fingers at the weather, an to blame “Climate Change” as the cause of these recent disasters. . With increasingly frequent and the Severe Storms, Wildfires, and Floods, many would argue that the cause of the devastation Is Climate Change and the recent Extreme Weather Conditions. And yes, those factors certainly play some role init , but let’s set aside the Political Rhetoric about Climate Change for just a moment. Legislation alone can’t change the weather, in fact nothing can! . What legislation can change, however, is how we prepare for, and respond to, and mitigate disaster risks to keep these disasters at a minimum. .
ReplyDeleteBut some people like the Governor of California would rather sound off with his Bullshit: The theory being spewed by Progressive Communist Democrats is that climate change caused wet winters in 2023 and 2024, leading to lush vegetation growth in California, and recent dry conditions, also driven by climate change, have turned that vegetation into tinder for fires. Now nonsensically labeled as "hydroclimatic whiplash." This is demonstrably completely false because the climate is constantly changing, and man's challenge is to adapt, improvise, and overcome.
For years, California has been subjected to disastrous mismanagement at the hands of Progressive Communist Democrats. Decisions made behind closed doors in Sacramento by a lunatic have led to a series of cascading failures. Emergency preparedness systems were neglected, building codes, Fire Truck that were Garaged, and Fire Hydrants that were dry, and were not updated to meet modern needs, and zoning policies were often driven by short-term political gains rather than long-term safety and sustainability. These failures are not the product of unpredictable natural forces but systemic neglect and mismanagement. The result is not a natural disaster but a Man-Made one, Made by YOU KNOW WHO!