Monday, October 14, 2013

In lieu of an Actual Post. Audio Blogging!

Some comments on the air this morning with Bill Bennett about Mallala Yousafzai.


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  3. It is quite the gift for Bill to treat you so well. He allows you to get in some points close to a dig at the GOPe were they expanded. It would even be more delightful were he to take the germ of your point and build on your angles rather than redirecting them ever so much before his audience can adopt your points as their own.

    Most of all, I have to commend your diplomacy as well as your focus in the clinches. Talk show hosts are notorious at changing subjects, and you kept going back as best you could without sounding strident.

    However you do it, keep on.

  4. First of all, I was raised in THAT VALLEY, so be careful :-)
    Secondly, that CLEAN BILL thing is hilarious for the Dems to insist on because I don't believe there HAS been one.
    And, yes, even Susan Estrich says Obama's too thin skinned and starting to sound like Nixon!! HURRAH

  5. Sorry Z, You have the advantage of hearing my voice, but I, not yours.
    I would not assume that you sound like a Valley Girl.
    Not that that's a bad thing :)
