Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Self Promotion

What!? This blog has been nominated for the Paul Revere Award this year. Per the sponsoring blog Political Clown Parade, "The Paul Revere Award is dedicated to those bloggers who hold down jobs and raise their families while standing guard over liberty." 

Poll Is Now Open: Begin Voting For The Fifth Annual Paul Revere Award
Thanks, guys, for including me on this prodigious list of blogiliciousness. It truly is an honor. I'd like to thank all of the bots for the fake hit count, and all the good folks who googled "why do my dog's teeth chatter" and regret clicking the link here. You ALL deserve to share in this award. 

This nomination comes at a time when my blogging is becoming more sporadic and infrequent due to the busy schedule of late. This is only my fifth post so far this month, down from a 2017 high in January of 23 total posts. I am left to conclude that the rarer my posts become, the more the need for rewarding this lack of effort. 

That being the case, please head on over to the Political Clown Parade and vote for Not of This World blog. I have no chance of winning (based on the competition), but if my vote total reaches double digits, I vow to blog even more meagerly during the summer months.

You are allowed to vote only once, but for as many blogs as you wish, so vote for my friends who also were nominated. Z at GeeeZ, Kid at Diary of a Right Wing Pussycat, AOW, and Jerry at Chattering Teeth. The list is missing a few of my favorites, but I won't treat you any differently (even though I'm better than you).

Thanks, Jerry. I couldn't have done it without you


  1. OM MY GOSH! Those, and YOU, are the blogs I voted for! Great minds :-) (but, mostly, THOSE ARE GREAT PEOPLE!) It's a fun honor every year and a delight to be included in that terrific list of blogs.

  2. I voted for you Ed. I expect a hearty contribution to my gofundme page.

  3. Replies
    1. That's how you get a great blog. Steal great content!

  4. I just sent you into double digits
