Friday, March 26, 2021

The Tragedy of Black Voters with No Means of Identification

It's so sad. Blacks are being denied the ability to write check, get Rx's filled, drive cars, and the Biden administration won't help.
Tucker explains.


  1. The United States has needed voter identification for years, and we're no closer to getting it now than we were in the WWII era.

    The best thing about this video is that it leads to anther video,, which is a Forgotten Weapons episode about the Mars pistol - probably the most complex auto-loader ever made.

  2. I agree with Matt Walsh, the self-described "theocratic fascist, tyrant, beekeeper" on voting.Voters Should Be Required To Take A Civics Exam

  3. Funny how they have all the ID they need to get 'stuff'... But not for voting...

  4. Will be interesting that soon we will need Covid vaccine IDs.. Look forward to seeing them square that one.

    1. Bunk, jsut had a checkup with the doc. He asked me if I was getting the vaccine. I said No. He wasn't concerned about that answer. As long as I can see the doc and get prescriptions without 'my papers', I'm good. Let's see how many businesses shoo customers away and how long that lasts.

  5. Voting is simple to fix which makes you wonder why republicans haven't even paid it lip service.

    I don't think a lot of people believe this ID is racist type stuff. I think like Pravda and the USSR everybody knows it's all BS but they keep shoveling it anyway.

    1. They seem to be trying now.
      It's a state thing. Or it's supposed to be.

  6. So the latest imbecilic news from Uncle Joe’s White House is that he is going to start treating your VACCINE Card as if it was a Passport. Meaning You will not be able to goto, or enter certain places without your “VACCINE-PASSPORT”.

    I cannot believe the times we are living in, this is kind of like Nazi Germany! Personally I think this will be challenged in court some places, and companies, such as the Airlines will lose big time.
    The time to start fighting back against this Moron in the White House has PAST long ago. .
