Saturday, July 20, 2024

A Talk With Pastor Doug Wilson

I talked to Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow.

Not that Moscow, Moscow Idaho.

Doug is an author, blogger, theologian, Christian Conservative who famously stood against the civil authorities when they attempted to silence his church during Covid.

He was also recently a guest of Tucker Carlson.

The impact of the Trump assassination attempt is also discussed. Your American Heritage 7 20 2024


  1. I hope everyone remembers what happened during the Great Head Cold Scam and vote accordingly. All my friends that fell for the scam and got the jab their health is forever ruined. Some have died prematurely. They suffer from series neurological disorders, cancer, constant sickness, etc.

    1. The problem, as we discuss in the interview, is feckless pastors who bowed their knee to Caesar.

    2. But Sparky, dontcha know this?

      SNARK ALERT. It doesn't show. Plz go to link so you don't think I'm insulting you.

    3. I gave up trying to parse that out. :)

    4. HINT:
      Protected = vaccinated
      Unprotected = unvaccinated
      And the convolution is part of the convolution of the argument over mandates.

    5. In fact, this is a clearer example I was trying to find to answer your puzzlement:

    6. I'm embarrassed to say now that I was kidding.

  2. "All law is imposed morality." Amen! I've answered the "you can't legislate morality" meme like that for years. Most legislation codifies morality.

    Excellent point about Christian leadership. There were 2 major churches in the "valley" just north of us who re-opened against great opposition. Fortress MacArthur was one, but there was another of a different stripe. They stood firm. Still, a wonderful woman who leads our bible study (not church affiliated) and who likes MacArthur told me "I don't understand why he did that." It was a challenge to critical thinking skills. It was not just him. The whole board had to agree. One resigned to get there.

    Man, I know of someone who is moving back to Moscow, leaving a blue state next door. He was raised there, wants to get back closer to family, and he's had a good pastor from there interviewed on his podcast. I wonder if it were Doug.

    I'm glad he asked Christians to remember to thank their pastor when they do the right thing.

    "Climate cult" - excellent!

    I wondered what else we should know about Judge Brewer.
    "Brewer opposed governmental interference in the free market and rejected the Supreme Court's decision in Munn v. Illinois (1877), which had upheld the states' power to regulate businesses, writing: "The paternal theory of government is to me odious." He was 1 of 5 children born to Congregationalist missionaries in Smyrna Turkey. His constitutional views were shaped by his religious beliefs and he emphasized natural justice in his written opinions. His "Christian nation" finding certainly riled late 20th century legal scholars.


  3. So we need to THANK GOD that the wound to Donald Trump’s ear was minor and that he did need any stitches or any or hospital treatment The bottom Line is that The Assassination Attempt Was Real

    And that If Trump hadn’t turned his head when he did he would be dead
    These Democratic Morons and the Idiots on “The View” and the two Creeps on the “Morning Joe” show make light of it, forgetting that an innocent person died., and two others are still lying in the Hospital.
    The Pathetic Democratic, Progressive Ghouls think it was staged. But the Sociopath Joe Biden is lying in his Safe Basement with “Covet” afraid to come out and face the growing line of Democrats who want him OUT

    1. Hey Salvatore.
      Do you think it might be polite to actually comment on my post rather than drop a copy and paste comment?

    2. Yes, and you are correct, from now on I will do better. Thanks

  4. Joe Biden’s 2024 Campaign is now Dead: Killed by Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi
    So the worst president in the history of the United States endorses the worst Vice President in the history of the United States
    How can a man be unfit to run as a candidate and still retain the Presidency foe Four more months? ?

  5. I just confirmed that Border Czar Kamala Harris has not even talked with Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens even once who has been in the position for over the past year.
    And the same goes for retired BP Chief Raul Ortiz who disclosed back in March that he never “had even ONE conversation” with the Border Czar during the two years he held the position under the Biden Administration.

  6. My initial temptation was to get the jab (just to mollify my wife and to follow what was being suggested by President Trump). I even got the second jab (even though I was starting to have reservations since Biden was only suggesting that he would require it for "essential" businesses -- which National Oilwell Varco fell in then).

    Therefore, when a couple of the churches that I consider Bible-believing closed for the first few weeks, I wavered between "I was fooled also" and "we still cannot abandon meeting as commanded." Thank heavens, these churches primarily came to their senses.

    Like others, we have seen a number of folks lost to what seems like a head cold. At the same time, we have seen a government that has put its fist down to keep us from cures like hcq, ivermectin, and t-cells.

  7. The then 29 year old Kamala slept her way into two political appointments with 60 year old Willie Brown, then managed to throw 1000s of young black men into prison for smoking dope. This is who the dims are hanging their hopes on, LOL.

    1. Anonymous,
      My research with the Daily Mail says that Kamala sent about 2,000 Black males to prison for possessing marijauana. Then, of course, they have the recording of her laughing off her use of the same substance.

  8. There is only ONE TOPIC THAT REALLY MATTERS in the 2024 -2025 Election. And That’s The BORDER
    The border is either going to be closed, or it isn't. And will remain Open That's the entire Ballgame -- WE ARE EITHER GOING TO STOP THIS INVASION MADNESS And (elect Trump) or We Are Not and elect Cackles) the Idiotic Hyena The rest of this crap - Abortion, Orange man bad, JD Vance’s Intelligent’s or Kamala's Leftist VP candidate doesn't matter. The OPEN BORDERS have already done a great damage to the country. Crime is already WAY UP. Personal safety is WAY UP, RAPE is WAY UP - Rents are WAY UP, The Prices at the Grocery Store are WAY UP as the Illegal Compete for the Limited Supply of Housing. As they loot our stores, and other businesses, as they tie up beds in the Hospitals. We Will Either Get this under Control, or the Country Will Be Ruined in 4 More Years. Or less with that Giggling Hyena, who thinks this is all a Joke or a Game, As she told Barrack Obama on the phone, “It’s going to be lots of Fun”! .
    Yes she thinks this is FUN!This is the key question he should ask voters.

    We need to ask ourselves Is this who we want for our President Some on that thinks this is Fun?
    Who will allow more illegal immigrants into the country, Trump or Harris?
    Who will stop this Crime, the Rapes, the Murders of our children, Who will allow the Fentanyl brought into the country? Who will bring down the high prices? Who will being Respect back to our Country?
    Donald J. Trump will close the Border "The Illegalize will remain in Mexico or thy will GO HOME like he did before.
    If the US needs more workers, they can come in Legally, after Being Vetted.

    The Democrats are in the middle of a their massive plan to take over the national electorate by importing tens of millions of Third World wretches, largely dependent on government money and services, and then to convert them all into Voting Democrat citizens. In a country that is now evenly divided, those tens of millions of Democrats will determine our political future for decades to come, probably for the remaining life of this Country.
    Our Countries Life Depends on how this election ends.
