Sunday, July 28, 2024

Standing for Patriots

 Ed Bonderenka spoke with Ed Tarpley (Two Ed's are better than one!) about his work on the J6 Fischer Case amicus brief and the outrages of the Biden Regime persecuting patriots.

We also discussed the regime's weaponization of the Department of Just Us.
Of course you can interrupt government a proceeding as long as it's a Supreme Court Nomination process and you are an pro-abortion activist.

Of course, you can interrupt a government proceeding as long as it's an anti-Semitism hearing and you are a pro-Hamas activist.

Want to riot in DC? Just make sure you spray paint National Monuments.
Get a get out of jail free card.

First they came for the J6ers and I did nothing.
Then they came for the Christians.....

Your American Heritage 7 27 2024


  1. I appreciated your guest's explanation of the law. Yes, we should see another J6 inquiry as long as it is scripted out in advance with the right conclusions reached, and the hearings held to fill out the text -- just like the Dems did, and as certain vaccine studies we've seen. The Dems can issue mea culpas years later, but the headlines and memory storage have already been set.

    Your caller's case ... even Martin Luther King was able to write a letter from jail! I can't believe 2 years for a sentence that carries a 6-12 month time. I'm glad you asked about a class suit. I was wondering the same. Don't file in DC! There are always arguments about where you file. Ken Paxton did this in Texas, and the feds tried their damndest to get it moved to DC but failed. Yes, pray!

    I disagree. The DOJ HAS learned their lesson. They can slow walk, punish with impunity and get away with it. Bless Joe and his wife.

    Contrast the J6-er's with the case of a friend here who was brutally assaulted by a 13X repeat 'offender' this winter in Palisades Park on a sunny weekend day. Whacked on the head with a blunt object and viciously kicked while down. He required several brain surgeries and a lot of rehab to walk and speak mostly normally again. Originally, the DA wanted to RELEASE the monster for "time served" after about 3 months! Now he wants to sentence him to "diversion" despite the fact the perp has taken 2 prior diversions that he skipped out on.

    An example of early lawfare was Alabama vs. NAACP in the 50's. The state demanded the NAACP's donor list. Obvious intimidation. They refused and it went all the way up to SCOTUS who slapped the state down. The AG tried it again a different way and got slapped down again. This scene played out again recently in my fine state, where the AG demanded certain organizations that opposed the ruling regime's policies submit a donor list. Despite the prior rulings. That AG was KAMALA HARRIS. And she was slapped down again in court!


    1. Yes the DOJ is slow walking.
      The only recourse is Congressional oversight.
      Oh well...

  2. This is the Same Leftist that allowed the Rioters to run wild all over the Country throwing Bricks at the Police, Looting the Stores, and Setting Fire to the Buildings,
    And now he wants to give Drivers Licenses to ILLEGALS. So that they could be able to apply for Voting rights
    Nice Job Kamala!

  3. For the sake of these people enduring prosecution (or, really, persecution) under Dementia Joe, my hope is that cheating does not again prevail across swing states. However, due to the efforts of Democrats like Walz and Shapiro, there is a chance.

    Of course, we know that Christ is Lord. However, I think we might be approaching a period where the church will be absent. This government might be preparing for such control.

    1. I'm really impressed with the spiritual growth of these prisoners. They are being battle hardened.
