Friday, July 27, 2012

Not missing it.

Well, it's been well over a month since the surgery.
I don't know how long it will be before I say it out loud.
OK, I'll say it now.
No seizures since the night of the surgery.
I've lived on edge for so many years paying attention to every sound she makes.
No seizures was the reason she went through the surgery, but there were no promises they'd get all the trouble points because they were staying away from the anterior of the brain.
To look at her today, you wouldn't know what she'd been through.
She's still recovering, gaining strength and endurance.
She's spending a lot of time in her happy place, the kitchen.
Her sister living with us has been a big blessing.
Thank You Lord.


  1. That's WONDERFUL Ed! I'll continue to keep her in my prayers.

  2. That's good. I'll keep her in my prayers too.

  3. VERY good news Ed Thank God !

  4. VERY VERY good news, Ed...thanks for the update! And what a blessing Scherie's sis is there still with you.
    God bless you all! z
