Saturday, September 3, 2016

Trump Comes to Detroit Church

Trump comes to promise Black supporters more helpful support
than 50 yrs of democrats have given them.

Kwami Kilpatrick and Monica Conyers are still in jail, right?

The Usual Suspects (democrats) come to protest his appearance hoping to "dissuade" Black Trump Supporters or those curious from attending the church meeting.

They should wear brown shirts.

Please see the post below.


  1. The Dems are obviously running scared...

    1. Scared of what?

      Maybe scared that there s enough irrational fear and hatred in this country to elect this circus clown?
      Maybe scared that if elected he'd do for the nation what he did for Atlantic City?

      Face it, he's just another political medicine show barker.

    2. Scared that Clinton will not win as she's continually (and surprisingly) being revealed in MSM as a lying conniving (avoid ad hominem here).

  2. Yeah, like Old NFO so rightly stated above, the libtards are terrified that a true American will win this election. They'll cheat, lie, steal, and probably start murdering before it's over. I fear it's going to get even nastier before it's all over. May it please the LORD God to protect all who trust and believe in Him. ~:)

  3. Many blacks I've talked to over the years believe that Lincoln was a democrat and that the Republicans were responsible for slavery.
    I spoke about this on the radio today.
    They reject republicans based on this false notion.

    1. Do they also believe that in contemporary American politics it isn't the repubs who are behind trying to dismantle the voting rights act?

    2. Well, that's patently false.
      I don't know how else to answer that.

    3. Couple things here, Ed.

      1. The Roberts court hostility to the voting rights act and the North Carolina statute which was struck down are not Democrat efforts.

      2. Why can't the right pound on Clinton's disastrous record toward minorities.
      Welfare reform
      Financial deregulation (and the resulting decimation of minority wealth)
      Drug sentencing
      The inaction during the Rwandan genocide

      I think the right has been unable to leverage that abysmal record because it was a record supported by the right so Trump's "try something different" has no effect but you may have a different angle.

      I see NO reason that Hillary should have minority support.

    4. 1. The Supreme Court (wrongly) upheld the Appeals Court striking down NC's Voter ID law.
      I don't see what you mean.
      Voter ID in any state protects my vote in federal elections.

      2. I thought that was the premise of Trump's approach.
      "The dems have let you down. Vote for me. What have you got to loose?"
      Hillary isn't getting minority support, the democratic party is and she is benefiting from that. I've seen it in street interviews.

    5. Trump would have to find a way to deny that the Clinton administration was doing anything more than implementing a conservative program.

      Asking voters to just trust him without some solid ideas is the campaign of a rank amateur.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.


    7. ZSeptember 9, 2016 at 12:25 PM
      What Americans need to remember is that trying to maintain LEGAL VOTING is NOT an attempt to dismantle anything.
      The facts are that anybody can get ID, that anybody can find a way to a poll if they want to, and all the other FACTS some want to hide.

      I KNOW! Let's try to stop all the Black kids who are 'helping' the elderly Black community in LA's inner city to vote by picking up their absentee ballots and helping the voter vote and then taking it in themselves! That might be a good step toward turning voting back to 'legitimate'...and yes, I know this firsthand...and it's been going on for many, many years.
      I've also seen Black young people go from precinct to precinct and voting...What could I do about it?
      When I did once speak up to a voting admin at my precinct, the guy loudly said "Don't you think EVERYBODY should vote?" to embarrass me...I said "No, only LEGAL voters" he approved some guy who'd come in saying "I live far away and won't be home in time to vote..can I vote here?" "Sign the PROVISIONAL BALLOT BOOk!" (that's to prevent people from voting several times...but the TRUTH is it NEVER GETS OPENED)

      Don't bore us, Ducky, with how Republicans want to stop voting because we feel it should only be done LEGITIMATELY.


    8. ZSeptember 9, 2016 at 12:25 PM
      What Americans need to remember is that trying to maintain LEGAL VOTING is NOT an attempt to dismantle anything.
      The facts are that anybody can get ID, that anybody can find a way to a poll if they want to, and all the other FACTS some want to hide.

      I KNOW! Let's try to stop all the Black kids who are 'helping' the elderly Black community in LA's inner city to vote by picking up their absentee ballots and helping the voter vote and then taking it in themselves! That might be a good step toward turning voting back to 'legitimate'...and yes, I know this firsthand...and it's been going on for many, many years.
      I've also seen Black young people go from precinct to precinct and voting...What could I do about it?
      When I did once speak up to a voting admin at my precinct, the guy loudly said "Don't you think EVERYBODY should vote?" to embarrass me...I said "No, only LEGAL voters" he approved some guy who'd come in saying "I live far away and won't be home in time to vote..can I vote here?" "Sign the PROVISIONAL BALLOT BOOk!" (that's to prevent people from voting several times...but the TRUTH is it NEVER GETS OPENED)

      Don't bore us, Ducky, with how Republicans want to stop voting because we feel it should only be done LEGITIMATELY.

    9. What Americans need to remember is that trying to maintain LEGAL VOTING is NOT an attempt to dismantle anything.
      The facts are that anybody can get ID, that anybody can find a way to a poll if they want to, and all the other FACTS some what to hide.

      I KNOW! Let's try to stop all the Black kids who are 'helping' the elderly Black community in LA's inner city to vote by picking up their absentee ballots and helping the voter vote and then taking it in themselves! That might be a good step toward turning voting back to 'legitimate'...and yes, I know this firsthand...and it's been going on for many, many years.
      I've also seen Black young people go from precinct to precinct and voting...What could I do about it?
      When I did once speak up to a voting admin at my precinct, the guy loudly said "Don't you think EVERYBODY should vote?" to embarrass me...I said "No, only LEGAL voters" he approved some guy who'd come in saying "I live far away and won't be home in time to vote..can I vote here?" "Sign the PROVISIONAL BALLOT BOOk!" (that's to prevent people from voting several times...but the TRUTH is it NEVER GETS OPENED)

      Don't bore us, Ducky, with how Republicans want to stop voting because we feel it should only be done LEGITIMATELY.

  4. Good on Trump for speaking at the church, but I'm still not sure why he would make asinine claims of getting 95% of the back vote in a second term run, or Gingrich stating "I think he’s gonna get far more votes from the black community than any Republican in modern times.”.

    1. Trump says lots of asinine things.
      But it's either him or a Clinton presidency.
      BTW, I know a few black Trump supporters and they know others.
      That may be the real surprise.

    2. Ed, if you'd like to hear a solid put down of a Clinton supporter, Chris Hedges absolutely mauls Robert Reich on today's Democracy Now! .

      No mercy, just takes him to the wood shed and represents Hillary as the conservative corporate shill she is.

    3. I started to look that up and couldn't listen.
      I hope to get back to it.

  5. We had them once.
    It's hard to make in roads with the prejudice and ignorance there,
    They think Lincoln was a democrat.

  6. what a nightmare this election is truly! Keep the faith my friend! xoxoxox

  7. *cough* *cough*...
    I think I'm allergic.

    1. Is that the same thing Hillary has?
      You should get that taken care of.

  8. From the discussion above-"terrified that a true American
    will win this election". While that 'true American' got
    his five deferments, I enlisted and later received a direct commission. I'm sorry, but I have no tolerance for

    1. Welcome BB.
      Thank you for your service.
      I'm a vet.
      I resented Bill Clinton's dodging, also.
      But while I don't support Trump wholeheartedly, it's him or Clinton.
      I despise Clinton.
