Friday, December 29, 2017

Trump Ain't Blowing Smoke...

So Christmas morning I awoke to this:

today I awoke to this:

Make Ypsilanti Great Again!

Thanks Mr. Trump and Frank.


  1. ha! Made ya laugh :)
    and myself in the process.

  2. Ed, I knew DJ Trump would come to your rescue based upon my call for a local Emergency !

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. After losing what should have been a pretty winnable election, it would make sense for Hillary Clinton to sit down with her team and assess what happened and why they lost. It would be useful information for anybody that wants to challenge Trump in 2020. However, that kind of self-reflection would be grounds for accepting responsibility for something and Hillary Clinton does not do that.

    Instead, Hillary chose to blame James Comey. In revealing what is either a stunning lack of self-awareness or just her innate penchant for blaming others for her troubles, she decided to attempt to make the case to donors the reason she lost states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio was due to letters sent by FBI Director James Comey to members of Congress about her emails.

  5. ice age comin ED? LOL HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!! xoxoxoxo patriotic hugzzzzzzzzzz! :-)

  6. You know... it just occurred to me that after losing what should have been a pretty winnable election, it would make sense for Hillary Clinton to sit down with her team and assess what happened and why they lost... or maybe I just read that in a Red State article from over a year ago.
