Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Protecting Marriage

 So let me get this straight.
The SCOTUS ruled in favor of  Homosexual unions a few years ago, like Roe v Wade, finding a right not in the Constitution.

The left figures they need a law to protect that in case the Supremes change their mind.

If they change their mind, how does a federal law override state law regarding marriage?

And what protects it from not being found unconstitutional? 


  1. Another criminal in the Biden administration allowed to LEAVE instead of being fired ... sounds like how things work inside the FBI.
    This Moronic appointee is already facing charges of stealing luggage at an airport, and now. (He, or She) faces more charges for stealing luggage at another airport.

    Still, this was not enough for the Biden administration to fire IT.was allowed to leave on its own.
    Apparently he’s/she’s a pervert who gets off on stealing women's luggage and then wearing their clothes
    I'm just curious - what does it take to be fired from the Biden administration?

    Seems like the only thing that may do it would be to vote Republican


    1. L
      The most bizarre thing that Biden ever said is that he would probably run in 2024, Seriously, who is he kidding? He may think that his Supporters think he’s Presidential, but he’s a full blown IDIOT!

  2. Nothing... And it's going to go to SCOTUS, just a matter of time.

  3. Dave Miller said.

    "My take on MT Greene is this: She's not very bright; but she knows how to get attention by saying and doing outrageous things."

    Just Like You Dave, Huh!

  4. "The left figures they need a law to protect that in case the Supremes change their mind."

    Uh, well, no. Obergefell went 5-4 so it isn't a matter of changing ones mind but rather the court has replaced Ginsburg and Kennedy with Kavanaugh (R) and Barrett.

    The new bill cleans up some of the the language that would bring about lawsuits such as forcing nonprofit religious groups to provide services.

    Yes, this new batch of extremists in the Judicial Branch can indeed overturn the Respect For Marriage Act but most of the legal gurus are saying it would be viewed as radical.

    Sounds like politics to me.

  5. Years ago, there was a dust up between the President of the United States and the Supreme Court. As I recall, it was over an issue of a land scheme in Georgia. The federal government came down on the side of Georgia against the plaintiffs, the Cherokee Nation. The high court ruled in favor of the Cherokee. Andrew Jackson said simply, “The high court have made their decision, now let us see them enforce it.”

    Since the high court has no enforcement mechanism, it would be an interesting twist in the law. I wish more states would take that position against the high court’s encroachment of common sense. No one cares what people do in the privacy of their own homes. What this law does is guarantee federal and state benefits to same sex spouses. Another money issue. I assume even if some whacko marries his dog, Fido gets a cut. C’mon, dogs have rights too.

    1. The enforcement arm of the SCOTUS is the DOJ, when the president wants it to.
      There should be no federal marriage law, but there have to be IRS distinctions as to who they allow to keep a portion of their money. as long as we're going to have an IRS, as you allude to.

      And what people do in their bedroom doesn't interest me.
      What we sanction as a people does.

    2. I agree with your last statement, but I do not recall anyone from “on high” asking me for my opinion vis-à-vis same sex marriages before ordering it “done.” We can certainly demonstrate our “concern,” but as you and I have discussed on many occasions ... we have no say in the matter. This government is no more about the “we the people” than science fiction is about science.

    3. There have been many referendums on "same sex marriage" in the states. California's Prop 8 come famously to mind.
      You are correct. TPTB really don't care about the will of the people.

  6. The bottom line and intent is to destroy the nuclear family. More show and tell how "woke" everyone is to every perversion of any kind.
    Why else trot out those trannies?
    Divide us and wear us out. That is the intent.
    This is just the beginning. What is next? Marriage between brother and sister? We already have someone in Congress who did that very thing.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Shaw at that stupid, and INFANTILE BLOG thinks it’s cute to continue constantly writing these jokes about Trump while she completely ignores Joe Biden’s failures
    SHE NEVER SEEMS to EVER mention the CRISIS at our border and never even says that that there IS already a disaster looming at the border thanks to Joe Biden’s completely ignoring the issue .. BUT we are about to be totally, and I really mean TOTALLY be overwhelmed when Tittle 42 ends.
    Some of the images that we are seeing coming from just south of the border are startling. There are SO MANY of these illegal people just standing there and waiting to storm in.
    Does Joe Biden even have a plan?
    Do any of the border states have any plans?
    You can tell that we are in deep trouble when even Gavin Newsome admits that this is going to be a huge problem.
    Personally, I don’t really give a damn about the Democratic Party, or Joe Biden, or about Nancy Pelosi, or Kamala Harris either. In fact I don’t give a Flying Fig about any of the Creeps in that miserable Party.
    All of them are in it for the power and not for serving the people and they’re willing to make any excuses to justify their Lies for the. They are even Willing to and hide the truth, and their bullshit, all in the name of winning. All I can say is Screw them all, especially Biden, and his Crack-Head Son.
    And personally I feel that America is in decline, and fast, now that this delusional fool Joe Biden is our Commander in Chief, and I just can’t sit around and keep silent about it. I am passionate about all things in life, especially things that hurt my country, and my lifestyle choices and as I said, I cannot sit idly around when I see the destruction of the greatest country in human civilization! Is America perfect ? No, it is not, because I know that it can be better, but it is still the best country and form of government ever established, if The Constitution is observed as we know it..
    The genius is in the separation of the the three branches of government, Executive, Legislative & Judicial & the freedoms spelled out in The Constitution.
    The News Media was, until this crooked administration was put in power , the watch guard of these three branches & all government institutions. The MSM was the fourth pillar of this Republic. But it isn’t any longer, not with Biden Banning, and Changing everything we loved since this country was born. He is destroying our country fast! AND IT MUST STOP

    1. I'm going to let this stand, but I have no idea why anybody refers to somebody named Shaw in comments on other blogs as if Shaw is a person of consequence.
      Keep your turf wars off my turf.

  9. It just amazing to me to even think that the Democrats of THIS COUNTRY want to SILENCE us! And To SILENCE FREE SPEECH!
    What has become of this country in only TWO YEARS of this administration?
    I can’t believe this is the same party of John F. Kennedy! Of Harry Truman! Is this the same Country that I grew up in? Is this the same country that our Brothers, and Fathers defended, by going to Fight in Germany, and Japan? And so many of them lost their lives to save?
    Welcome to the Fascist/Communist States of America! I almost hate to say it but I’m asha med of this President and that BUNCH of Commies, and Socialists in his administration, and his DAMN CRACK-HEAD SON, who has been milking us dry ! Get Rid of That Whole Disgusting Bunch of Them, and Bring Back the America That We Were Proud Of!
    Get RID Of Them All, From Adam Schiff, to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rashida Tlaib,  Ilhan Omar, to Ayanna Pressley. Thank GOD we got that Idiotic Nancy Pelosi out, but there a long way to go.

  10. So The Democrats Are Saying That George Santos Should Re-Do The Election, Because He Lied!...... Are They Kidding? Go Through Another Election? Is That What They Did When A Few Million Republicans said That Biden abd The Democrats Cheated In The Past Election?
    YES, George Santos Definitely, and Clearly Lied. Everybody Lies... Lies, Lies and Lies –

    Resumes were made to lie in Didn’t Blumenthal Lie when he said that he was in Viet Nam?? Hillary? Hillary LIED her entire life! Hillary said "She never received nor sent any material that was marked classified" on her private email server while secretary of state.”
    She said that she was “going to show people videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists." and that "all of her grandparents" immigrated to America” and that she was “ actually started criticizing the war in Iraq before (Obama) did."
    Remember Hillary’s imaginary landing in Bosnia under sniper fire.
    And most likely the Biggest Liar is Joey Biden his entire political career has been a series of LIES... He wouldn’t recognize the truth if he head it from his own Mother.

    A part of my course in technical writing at the local university was resumes . . . focusing on brevity, bullet statements, and bullshit. What I learned while keeping up with the topic is that well over half of resumes contain exaggerations, half truths, and outright lies.

    The biggie is work experience, followed closely by education/degrees, and certified skills. Professionals know all the tricks of making various degrees APPEAR to apply to job requirements, and they know a bit of fudging on dates, employment periods, schools, even the names of colleges can be difficult to track down until very recently.

    Look . . . we all know that we can NEVER trust what comes out of D.C. EVER! Politicians are owned part and parcel by PACs, donors, and special interest groups, without which they’d never get elected in the first place. Of COURSE they lie.

    We’ll never find out about JRB’s involvement in his dissolute son’s business affairs . . . and everybody KNOWS Joe knew about it all and took his cut like a mafia don. It’s like the gleep vaccines . . . as soon as I heard that the major pharm companies had immunity from long-term side-effect problems and the testing data would remain sealed for at least a generation, it was clear that the stuff could be dangerous.

    Making decisions based on what politicians say is like taking advice from retired athletes and has-been entertainers on matters affecting your diet, budget, and general health.

    The average American prob’ly is better informed about what goes on with the British royal family than what’s in the $1.8 Trillion Omnibus bill. And the fact that a few conservatives agree with a liberal

  11. Biden’s approval rating is in the DOUBLE DIGIT NEGATIVES, as a majority, 52 percent, disapprove, compared to 42 percent who approve. He has been unable to recover the souring Negative ratings throughout his presidency as Americans continue to face a variety of issues, from mass Illegal Immigration to high Gas prices to uncontrollable inflation.. In fact on inflation, specifically, Biden’s approval is even worse, with a net rating of -40 percent. According to the survey, he gets a 68 percent DISAPPROVE of his handling of inflation, compared to 28 percent who approve.
    Lets remember that, these are NOT my opinions... these are the FACTS and they are supported with surveys. So any one who disputes the Joe Biden wants to destroy 8% of our GDP, 10 million jobs, add immense expenses to 6,000 products please prove it! All the while today 9/8/22 Average price of gas is 56% more than under Trump and 46% higher than the average price of $2.90 since 2009!
    FACTS... NOT fiction. And why? Because Biden is actively working to destroy this entire industry

  12. How many times have I said this Jan 6th debacle was totally preventable. The Capital police, the DC police and the leadership of congress had plenty of advanced notice to prepare for this demonstration and failed to act. No responsible police agency wouldn’t have been prepared unless they were told to stand down. The United States is facing the biggest crisis that it has ever experienced right now, and it just keeps getting worse everything we have a Democratic President.
    And ass I have said so many times before, if we continue to go down this road there is no future for our country. The choice is ours, we either stay a Free country, with the Freedoms that come with a free country or we become another Third World Nation as this administration is surely taking us.

  13. On another note, In Ref: to the Donald Trump / Hillary Clinton election It must have been frustrating for those Democratic Socialists. To lose an election that was FIXED for them to win... Then they fail on those ridiculous collusion charges aka as an investigation, and now their failing to get the Impeachment that they SO MUCH desire. I have a feeling that they will start Barking at the Moon again.

  14. Every once in a while I take a little rtip or should I say the I go SLUMMING over to the Progressive Socialist’s Blog and read the INSANITY comments that the seriously mentally ill post there.
    As expected they are Joyfully Celebrating the confusion that’s being held at the Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House Voting. They think that the Republicans are in such a STATE OF DISORGANIZATION because they can’t come to a united decision on McCarthy.
    Well my Liberal Morons can’t see why we Republican’s JUST can’t VOTE like the Democratic Flocks of Sheep do, and just Go with the Flow. They can’t understand that by doing that, they get the Stupid, Idiotic, Worms, that they have in their party. The people with the LOW INTELLIGENCE like that Drunken Moron Nancy Pelosi, and that Weakling, Whippy,
    Wussy Chuckie Schmucky Schumer, Adam Schiff, Rashida Tlaib, and Jerry Nadler who always just shlep along with whatever the Moron In Chief says. The Democratic -Communists that are expected to do whatever the Drunken Idiot says, and supports each other no matter what it is. Like Good Little Sheep. Like endorsing the Moronic Stacy Abrams for Georgia’s Governor.
    For example ANYONE that voted for Biden Got Exactly What They Deserved
    The Bottom Line is that with these Delusional Dingbats in charge it’s Impossible of having the Free, Great, America that we all knew and Loved so much.

  15. Give the Republicans a big hand will you please, because they WILL NOT just elect a Speaker because they have spent 3 days trying to do so.
    They are being CERTAIN that the person that they do elect will be Strong, and not a whimp like McCarthy and fold to the Democrats and their NONSENSE, every time they want to spend another Trillion dollars on the typical CRAP that they always seem to do, and that they will NOT get away with the Crap that Joe Biden is doing to this Country. So I fully support what the resistance the Republicans are doing to the RINOS and the Progressive enables!
    Why should they just blindly vote for someone? America can't be in the business of just blindly going along with the rest of the Sheep. These so called “Leaders”have already lost mush of the Pride that America has had.
    If we just elect another wimp that kowtows to the Democrats , then what was the point of Winning the House?

  16. That Mental Midget Kamala Harris still is insisting that border is secure, and that there isn’t any Crisis there. As the illegal migrants grows to over 2 Million. And these Criminals are causing havoc in our cities with their Crime, and Drugs.
    Yet the other Delusional, Senile, Idiotic, Moronic, Potato-head, in the Oval Office says that with the governors of the Red States are moving the illegals as a political stunt, and that the border is secured? Hmmm? I think that this Nutty President needs to watch another TV channel

  17. It’s time for the conservatives to use their power to bring sanity to the House of Representatives, and Kevin McCarthy is not that man.

  18. So Joey Biden is making his first trip to the border !
    This is the ” real News of the day” Biden taking a PHONY trip to see the Border Crisis, after they spend 2 days Cleaning Up the place for his visit? .
    I don’t understand what this is supposed to mean, do you ?
    Like does this clown not know how bad the situation is at the border & how many million illegals have crossed the border ?
    Does the visit clarify it for him ? What about that liar, Mayorkas, the head of Homeland security ? Has he not told the clown, his boss, Biden, how bad it is there at the border ?
    What a charade, what a joke, what a stunt !
    They even “ cleaned up” the place before his visit!
    I’m surprised, they didn’t force the locals to stand on both sides of the streets, like they do in visits of dictators in third world countries & clap & cheer & wave at him.
    The news media is talking about this visit
    As though it is “ real news “ & is going to reveal something new to the imposter Biden !
    It’s as though he will have a revelation when he is there because up to now, he had no clue.
    No President has been so shallow, so careless, so partisan, so inept & so callous & unqualified as this incompetent man who the swamp & the deep state helped place in office !
    Under his presidency nothing is going right for America nor the world !
    Insanity rules ! Sanity & common sense have no place under this administration.

    Now go check your gender & that of your children & family, because you might not be male or female.
    If you find the answer, please let us & all the illegal border crashers know !
    That might be one of the reasons they’re coming here, for the enlightened woke to tell them their gender.
    Someone tell Kamala Harris that might be the “root cause” for this migration. I think she is still looking for the answer.. Here’s what they should do....
    They need to give Joe the full border experience:
    Take him to Mexico and make him ride on top of a train for hundreds of miles in the hot sun with a jug of warm water.
    Throw him in a boat and make him swim or paddle across the Rio Grande.
    Make him fight off two or three Rape Gangs.
    Have him crawl through the Barbed Wire fence on his knees.
    Let guard dogs and angry property owners chase him with a shotgun.
    Have the Border Patrol pick him up in a van after standing for hours smelling and stinking with no bath, no food, and torn clothes.
    Then put him in one of Obumma's detention cages with a blanket for a few weeks given medicaid.
    Finally, throw him on a cramped noisy Bus and make him ride all the way to Nantucket, then drop him off in front of Kamela's house later one night when it is only 18̊ outside.
    And then let him vote a few times as a Democrat.

    The only thing the democrats care about is Votes. That is why they are letting in millions of illegal aliens without going through the proper process.

  19. What a waste of space the White House and Air Force One is .
    All this for a “Man” who doesn’t know what he is doing or where he is half the time.
    You can’t help but feel embarrassed & humiliated that he is “ The President of The United States!” Lets face it, Biden has been a low-class and low IQ Buffoon all of his life, so why would anyone expect him to be any different now, he’s Certainly NOT Presidential. You Democratic, Progressive, Socialists complained that Trump wasn’t Presidential, and then you diminish Joe Biden when sounds like a Street Thug, asking people at his rallies if they want to be taken behind the Barn! Are you kidding?
    He is an International Embarrassment.
    The Liberals voted for him because they hated Donald Trump more than they love America!
    I would have sympathy & feel sorry for him if he was decent & honest. But, he’s not, he is not at all !
    He’s a Corrupt, Arrogant, Liar and a Cheat, and a Charlatan.
    All the qualities of a bad person and “ leader” and none of the qualities of a good human being & good leader ! He’s so stupid that he’s actually attacking the Republicans for investigating HIS crimes, and his Crack-head Son’s crimes. What ever happened to the video evidence of Sleepy Joe shaking down the Ukrainians and forcing them to fire a Prosecutor who wanted to investigate his Crack-head Son? Wasn’t that an Impeachable offense? And lets see what the Out Cry is going to be about the “Documents” that they just found Ten documents are said to contain classified material that HE stole when he was the Vice President! Yes, the Classified documents from Biden Office that was found yesterday at his Think Tank Office! Or haven’t you heard about that news yet?
    The Idiotic Drunken, Wackjob, Speaker Impeached a President over an Anonymous Whistle-Blower B.S. and lets this guy get off with Destroying the entire country!
    The Country Is Really Suffering since He Got “ Elected” !
    He has not done anything right for the country, NOTHING, he has screwed up everything that he get involved in from Afghanistan to the Border.
