Thursday, September 28, 2023

Hero of the Realm

 I hosted Moment of Clarity.
Show notes:

Joining me is my friend Bruce Fleury, co-host of The Abolitionist Round Table heard here at 9am Saturdays.
Bruce also wrote The Negro Project: Margaret Sanger's Diabolical, Duplicitous, Dangerous, Disastrous and Deadly Plan for Black America.

Some very interesting stuff happened in Lansing this week.
Here to talk about it with us is Katherine Bussard, the Chief Operating Officer of Salt and Light Global.

Salt and Light was founded by my friends Will Wagner and Dave Kallman, also of Great Lakes Justice Center.

And also joining us to talk about it is Karen Whitsett the Democrat Representative of District 4 in Detroit.
The Detroit Democrat currently blocking abortion rights bills supported by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has been willing to break rank with her party before — and this time, she claims, she’s not the only one who has concerns. 

Rep. Karen Whitsett, a community organizer and activist first elected to the Michigan House in 2018, courted controversy among Democrats by meeting with then-President Donald Trump, voting with Republicans on several key policy matters and supporting a Republican lawmaker over a Democratic challenger during the 2020 election cycle.

Now, she’s in the spotlight again for being the lone Democrat in the House Health Policy Committee this week to vote against the Reproductive Health Act, an 11-bill package of abortion access bills that had been expected to pass through a Legislature with a razor-thin Democratic majority. 

I am so impressed with Representative Whitsett. She was last on Moment of Clarity a while back when she had recovered from Covid due to the intervention of President Donald Trump and Hydroxychloroquine. She took a lot of heat, but she is a warrior princess. Keep her in your prayers.

She is a modern Esther, in the right place for “such a time as this”. In fact, since Esther was the one who stopped the genocide of the Jews in Persia, perhaps the actions of Karen Whitsett will stem the genocide of black people in Detroit.

"I will not vote and fund Medicaid abortions, that's not gonna happen," Whitsett said. She added on the state's 24-hour waiting period: "I do not think it is too much to ask when someone's terminating a life, a 24-hour pause to be able to say for sure this is the decision you want to make. 24 hours is not too much."

Whitsett said she believes in safe and healthy access to abortion, but believes the rules currently in place still provide that access. The lawmaker said she has been pressured by her caucus to change her vote.

"I didn’t get here to do an easy job," Whitsett said. "I have a district to represent and it’s diverse. People who I have talked to in the community, this is what they want.”

 Like a dog chasing a car, that didn't know what to do with it once he caught it, when we got Roe struck down, we didn't know what to do with it. But the other side was waiting, and even leaked the decision so that they would be prepared at the next election. 

Why hasn’t that leaker been found and fired, fined and jailed?

Trump was roundly hammered by many like Jim Daly of Focus on the Family for criticizing Desantis’
 5 week abortion ban.

 “In order to win in 2024, Republicans must learn how to talk about Abortion. This issue cost us unnecessarily, but dearly, in the Midterms,” Trump wrote on his social media platform on Tuesday.

Listen here: Moment of Clarity 9 23 2023
or here:


  1. Thanks to you, Ed, for hosting this conversation between you, a historian of the violence from the Sanger organization, and a representative of Michigan government. I have to say that you and Bruce did well at reaching out. Likewise, Ms.Whitsett didn't seem to fall into the Elizabeth Warren camp of Democrats.
