Sunday, September 17, 2023


Songwriters: Brian Johnson / Joel Taylor / Jenn Johnson / Gabriel Wilson / Christa Black Gifford / Kari Brooke Jobe

The moon and stars they wept
The morning sun was dead
The Savior of the world was fallen
His body on the cross
His blood poured out for us
The weight of every curse upon Him
One final breath He gave
As Heaven looked away
The Son of God was laid in darkness
A battle in the grave
The war on death was waged

It's a shame how beautiful this song is while being so wrong.

The Savior of the world was fallen. 🚫
To be fallen is to have lost.
His Victory was on the cross.

As Heaven looked away. 🚫
Prove it.
Jesus was fulfilling a plan in place from before Creation. Heaven was probably cheering Him on. Or watching "breathlessly".
But no one was turning away.

A battle in the grave. 🚫
The victory was on the cross.
What battle ensued after that?
This is part of a popular heresy that Jesus suffered in hell for us.

It's sad that we sing this in church and play on the radio, promoting false doctrine.

I can imagine Jesus looking down when this is sung thinking, "That's not how it went down! Don't you know what I did?"


  1. Hear! Hear! That Bethel crowd has a few important things wrong.

  2. Thankis, Ed for focusing on this song. Although I have read of problems with Bethel lyrics, this song certainly passes muster on being completely Biblically based.

  3. Having made the past comment, I see the points of error entered by the Bethel song.

    First, I see that Christ did not fall, but surrendered his life as a sacrifice once for all. Additionally, to say that Christ was fallen suggests that he was struck down (instead of willingly submitting himself as a perfect sacrifice -- the Son of God).

    Second, while the assumption that the Father may have turned away from Christ at the end of the crucifixion may be based on the conflux of Christ's statement ("Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" or "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me" [Psalms 22 & Matthew 27]) and the Father's holiness (Habakkuk 1:13), it also assumes some understanding of the nature of God (which cannot be understood). On one hand, at the moment that our sins were laid on Christ, the Father may have looked away. However, that assumes that the Father, a spirit, is bound by time. Of the three statements, this might be Biblically based.

    Regarding their third statement "A battle in the grave." That really misses it. The most pitched battle would have to be when Christ was on his knees in the garden. By the time that Christ was in the grave, He had won.

    1. I make the argument about looking away here:
      Also, since I first started posting on this years ago, I have found that many prominent theologians agree with this position.
      Short story, Jesus was quoting David, not the other way around. The sign that the pharisees had asked for.

  4. One additional observation regarding the "A battle in the grave" -- any battle against God is over before it starts. Read Revelation 19:21 for the fate of those fighting against Christ in the final battle. They haven't yet picked up a weapon, but they have already lost.
