Saturday, October 14, 2023

Jim Jordan

 Will the same voices that were urging us to support Kevin McCarthy or Steve Scalise in an attempt to fill the position of speaker because of the peril having it empty represents, urge us to support Jim Jordan for the same reason?


  1. In such a den of snakes, it's hard to discern which snake is the least harmful. So far, those seeming least dangerous have been the most powerful and venomous.

  2. 52 to 48 against, but it's possible.

  3. The UniParty is against us all. They are a den of vipers. I no longer care what happens. Doesn't matter even if I do. They're gonna do what they're gonna do.

  4. The reason for discarding RINO and replacing it with SKUNC has too long been justified.

  5. Total snake den. You can't trust a word any of them say anymore.

    I'm beginning to think our only chance may be to organize our communities (OH the irony, amiright?), face to face, OFFline, assemble, and present our ideas and grievances to those who feel THEY rule US, and we get NO SAY (where do the think their money - other than all the filthy, traiterous bribes and inside trading of course - comes from?). That was never the deal.

    I'm betting, once we cut through their BS and smokescreens, we'd find that about 80% of us agree. And in a true democracy, majority rules.

    An American who 3 years ago would never have believed her government would actively try to destroy her, her family and her country. ...What the HELL did I do to them?! Nothing. It's pure greed and power grabbing.

  6. I fear for a country whose voters didn't realize we had an America hating, Muslim/Iran loving candidate running for president back in 2008.
    Uneducated voters have done irreparable damage.

  7. Joe Biden spoke at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual dinner Saturday night, and the most amusing news from that event was not that he was interrupted by a pro-Hamas protester but the fact that he glitched so badly that his wife Jill Biden had to come up on stage to rescue him.

  8. Biden Says That “The US Has Israel's Back, Make No Mistake About That!”
    So, you're trying to say we support Israel, just like we supported South Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Taiwan. So, you're trying to say we support Israel, and “Have Their Back”... Just like we supported South Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Taiwan, and had their Backs??

  9. I'd take Jordan over Gaetz and his ilk...

    1. It appears we'll get Jordan because of Gaetz and his ilk.

  10. The "peril" - you mean, congress can't ACT? That's not always peril

  11. Hamas is a corrupt, militant Terrorist group that rules Gaza with an Iron Fist, so the big question must be asked, and resolved : If Israel decimates Hamas, and I truley feel that they will,, who will govern Gaza? Who will be the next in line ? What better choice will the have than those slimy, two-faced, Pro-Palestinian Squad that smells up the House of Representatives? The members who routinely Denigrate, Disparage, and who Damage America and Are Openly Anti-america, Anti-israel, and Anti-Semitic?

    And, for their Supreme Leader, how about that Big Mouthed Squad Member Rashida Tlaib who is proudly flying a Palestinian Flag right now next to an American Flag right outside the door of her Congressional office. What better choice is there then to have another bunch of IDIOTS doing the job? It seems like they always have all the answers anyway!
    And of course the mentally ill, and corrupt Joe Biden, who has the Stupidity to stands in Israel and announces that he’sgiving a $100 million gift of the taxpayer money to Israel’s biggest and closest enemy in the guise of a “humanitarian gift.” Filtered through a notoriously corrupt Pro-Palestinian United Nations and various progressive non-governmental organizations.

    We all heard the announcement... “Today, I’m also announcing a $100 million dollar package n funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank. This money will support more than 1 million displaced and conflict-affected Palestinians, including emergency needs in Gaza.” as he refuses to freeze 6 Billion dollar gift that he had already given to Iran   Who targets Israel and is the worlds biggest Nation of Terrorists
