Saturday, November 4, 2023

Friends of Israel and then Legal Stuff

I hosted Moment of Clarity today, since Pastor Rick was otherwise engaged.
I spoke with Rev Tim Munger of Friends of Israel.
We talked about the Historical, Scriptural and then the Modern Roots of Israel, among other things.

Quite interesting.   Moment of Clarity 11 04 2023

And then, on Your American Heritage I talked to Attorney David Kallman about the recent abortion legislation, zoning legislation, court cases and a lot of interesting stuff (Really!).

Your American Heritage 11 04 2023


  1. Someone once said that if Marxism I ever come to America it will come from within.
    It will not will not come from the enemy IMO, this is because Americans are not a society to just pusg around,or to be told a crock of crap and they would just fall in line.
    Americans have some hutzpa, or is it called “chutzpah” in any case they have self-confidence, and They always have “hope” of improving their position. Therefore, in order to institute Marxism in America the push must come from the top down. That is, convincing the dictator whoever it might be that they are NOT stuck and can never achieve anything without some kind of Marxist 'fighting' for them.

    This is precisely what is happening right now. Our Democrat representatives are constantly trying to convince US we are miserable while, at the same time, actually they are the ones who are causing misery with their legislative powers, and with their “Leaders”.
    Therefore, in order for them to institute Marxism in America the push must come from the top down.
    To say it best: GIVE A MARXIST THE ELECTION, AND GET A MARXIST FOR A PRESIDENT! It’s as simple as that!
    Think about it. Which party is running us into the ground
    Who's killing the economy ?
    Who’s Trying to put their only competition in Jail?
    And wants to assure himself to stay in power by eliminating their competition!
    Any idiot can be a Leader! Think about the intelligence of the Dictators that you know from the past!

    It takes intelligence to be successful in the role of the leader of the Government. And YOU MUST Start with Brainwashing the Children.
    For example, read the Rules for Radicals and you will understand Barrack Obama !

  2. IN MY HONEST OPINION Barack Hussein Obama’s lack of condemning the terrorism by the savages in Hamas and rather refuses to take sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict raises much concern.

    So, if I was asked about where his favoritism lies there would be no doubt in my mind that Obama, like his mentor, and “adviser” Reverend Jeremiah Wright, is NO DOUBT a full blown Communist and who holds anti-America, anti-Israel, anti-White, and anti-Semitic views, and that his favoritism is 100 ercent with the Muslims. .

    So, while rockets are coming down on Israel, Obama and his ILK no daunt to advocate for a Palestinian state, and not with the unbelievably, Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security.

    This is an impossibility given the governing charters of the terrorist groups Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, which demand the total annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people.
    Obama also expressed concerns about Israeli settlement construction in the “occupied” Palestinian territories, which were built on formerly Jewish land.
    So the Bottom Line is: I still feel that someone should hold Barack Obama accountable for all of the damage he has caused to our nation and the world in his 2 terms as the President. Let us not forget that it was Obama and his cadre of communists who radicalized American institutions, spied on American citizens, subverted justice, and are grossly responsible for all of the corruption and damage done by Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State John Kerry, and many others.

    Also I still want to know where Obama was when Muslim terrorists attacked Benghazi and WHO WAS IT that gave the Stand-Down order to prevent their rescue. It seems as if the FBI, and the Department of Justice has forgotten that question. But I havent!

  3. Where are the Republican leaders who should be pushing back against the Democrats who are completely a lunatic fringe, and a bunch of loons with destructive policies? If there is no pushback, no correction, no one to bother pointing out that America is the greatest country ever founded and that all of our citizens have unparalleled access to opportunity. The Democrats are constantly condemning our country as racist and the President does, and says nothing. In fact he’s just a puppet on Obama’s strings who echos everything that Obama wants him to say
    And isn’t this interesting? They are saying that as many as 700,000 Mail-In and Absentee Ballots could have already have been filled in with the names of dead peoples, out of state people, under age people, nursing home residents etc, this is that Biden’s Texas Political Director with his Leftists who are just another name for Communists, and with the Mail-In Ballots and Absentee Ballots, that the left has been ordering for the operatives to fill the Mail-In Ballots and Absentee Ballots out for peoples illegally, including for dead peoples, homeless peoples, and nursing home residents and then hoarding ALL those ballots etc..

    This just Cant be true….because we have been told by the left that voter fraud does not happen, and Joe Biden said that the election was 100 percent legitimate. Are we going to argue with what Old Senile Joe says?

    1. Dear Concerned,
      I hear your call that Republicans should be pushing back against the current waves of lunacy created mostly by the Democrat/Islamist fringe. However, as someone who spends long portions of my day either coding technical manuals or writing them, I also listen to news feeds continually. Hence, just a few days ago, Speaker of the House Johnson hosted a set of Americans who have endured attacks recently either personally or in their families. Therefore, part of the real problem is not so much that Republicans aren't standing up but that the press will not inform us (unless we happen to tune directly to the Republican press releases).

      Similarly, I posted in my blog today about the juvenile attempts of a number of college students to prevent the Congress from hearing from victims of anti-semitic attacks. Admittedly, the Republicans who were there and standing up for the victims were also playing by the rules (much unlike the Democrats). But what can we expect?

    2. Yeah, playing by the rules is a hamstring pulled.

  4. I’ve been down this path, beaten this horse, and picked on this scab a time or two, so you may have heard me rail against or at least muse about this issue (or set of issues) before. My blog on White Guilt fully outlines (how’s that for an oxymoron?) the concept, but in short, white Guilt is the result of the perpetual victimization of black people and white people’s shame, and horror . . . Guilt being manipulated by both black and white leaders in our society, in our government, and in our press. I’ve long thought this white guilt was the reason that Barack Obama wasn’t held to the same standards as other presidential candidates, and now, I feel vindicated in that belief. Because “Barack” woulnt do anything wrong!

    Obama gives a good, albeit empty speech; he’s a great public speaker, no doubt in my mind about that. But I’ve never quite “got” what the whole “Change we can believe in” thing was about. Change from what (bad George Bush) to what (good Barack Obama)? Don’t forget, Barack won’t do anything wrong. Well, isn’t that what every candidate intends . . . to replace and improve upon the works of the sitting president? Isn’t that why they run? Vague until last week’s DNC about specific changes, Obama now promises every American a college education, health care, job stability, and a puppy. Okay, every politician promises that. How’s he going to pay for it? Something, I hesitate to call it fuzzy math, to do with the budget; he’s not clear on that tiny detail.

    He’s for the environment, so we know he wants us to go greener, but everyone is “for” the environment these days; how’s he stand out? By saying we shouldn’t drill off our shores. And then saying, well, maybe we should in a limited capacity (this only after polls showed that people want us to be oil independent and his charm wasn’t making them budge on that point). He said that he was against the war in Iraq and (according to him) always had been; indeed, he says, had he been in the Senate at the time, which he wasn’t so we can’t know how he would have voted if presented with all the evidence and arguments at that time, he would have voted against it. He condemns anyone and everyone who voted for it. Well, everyone except his VP running mate, Joe Biden who voted as Hillary Clinton did, indeed as many of people on the left did. But hey, that’s okay, it’s Barack, and “Barack” don’t do anything wrong!.

  5. Now I am for the most part a pretty understanding person, and I am willing to hear anyone’s opinions even when if differs from mine, but on the other hand, i don’t care to be insulted and/or called those vicious disgusting names or be put down because of my political persuasion, and may I add that y don’t want to see me angry because that is when the other side of me comes out! I seek the truth, so unless you have something important, and truthful to say, don’t say it.
    Now, as for the liberal/Progressives way of thinking, and one of the things that get my goat is their stance on Illegal Immigration, and our Open Borders, especially when it comes to Muslims,, All you need to know about Muslims you should have learned on October 7th. And or on September the 11th. .
    It’s time, for the sake of the security of the United States of America, to immediately put their foot down on Illegal immigration. When will enough be enough?

  6. I’d just like to write a little note about the people who write this stupid stuff here on this and on other blogs. Don’t you guys thing that we have more than enough problems here in the United States with this NUT-JOB who is currently occupying the White House.
    However, there is reason for folks to be upset at the Progressives around these parts is because these so called Know it all Progressive Loud Mouths of a product of the 60's where the Idiotic Hippies ran amuck and did and said whatever they wanted as long as it gained them some attention and notoriety, it didn’t make a Hil of Beans if it was true or not, it just needed to sound as if it did.
    I for one worked my butt off in the 60's working doing 2 jobs to help support my family and to get me into a decent college to get a better education, and when I got out, I had a very hard time getting a decent job that I was more than qualified for because I am “White”. . As Affirmative action was the rage back then, And all that the open jobs was filled with Blacks. .
    But the people today, don’t give a damn, about getting a good job because the Democratic Government was, and still is giving out handouts right and left , and every time you turn around Biden is giving away money. As if he wants to Bankrupt the Country. .
    And this is what these Progressives are doing to America. Funny how thing work if you are a minority. Just look at the commercials on TV, all you see now are Black, or Mixed families. Right now I know that these Liberal Bleeding Hearts will tell us that’s not that way it is, and that everybody is equal, and that Biden did a “Great” job Uniting the country, but, that's just Pure Horse Crap. Biden didn’t do a damn thing! He could hardly walk up a flight of stairs without falling 3 times.
    And lets not forget The Great Black Hope Barrack Obama and his Liberal followers think that the U.S. is arrogant and needs to be taken down a notch or maybe three. Liberals think that America was founded by evil, selfish, hateful WHITE MEN who were only interested in their own power and richness. Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union,, the Center for American Progress, Media Matters and other such extremist left-wing organizations, and even the Progressive bloggers like we see here, who think they are doing a good thing. The problem is that they are 100 percent completely wrong. What they are actually doing is taking America down the path to Socialism, and fast. . So who is the real idiot here? There is only one President of these united States and he is the policy maker, and he’s making things as screwed Up as he can. We lost all the respect that we had as a Country. Thats why Russia, and China and Iran are threatening us so much now. They all know that Biden is so weak.

  7. Continued:
    Liberal policies have destroyed the backbone of America, and Biden, with the help of Obama are destroying the relationship between the black community and the whites in America, and the Jewish people are being treated as worse as can be ever since they have before ever since the Holocaust. .
    Barack Hussain Obama, what the hell has this guy done in the past Bailed out the economy, really - lets see the auto industry filed bankruptcy on billions of tax payers dollars any wise business man knows you file bankruptcy first and let go of the bad debts and then re-organize! So he wasn’t so smart with that one, was he! Then lets see, he gave billions of tax payer dollars to companies like Solindra to the tune of 529 million only to have them file for bankruptcy, oh yes, he vilified Mitt Romney for sending jobs over sea's well if that ain’t the pot calling the kettle black I don’t know what is. He simply thinks that spending money fixes everything! Well it doesn’t! He lied to us in the debates with Romney claiming he supports the coal industry and the oil industry when he was shutting down many coal mines across the country and coal burning plants, he refused to renew licenses on oil drilling, yet he said he is creating new jobs, he is causing job losses actually - And then he told us with a straight face that Obamacare was going to be affordable! Affordable my eye! I spend more on deductibles and premiums so far this year than I ever have in the past. And how about his dear Wifey spending our money like a drunken Sailor all over the world with an entourage of friends, servants and celebrities. This administration is the biggest disgrace in American history. Neither Obama loves or respects this country. Everyone who voted for them once should now see this and shame on you if you vote for this joke a second time!
    And that my friends is the end of my Rant

  8. The economy of our country is being destroyed, and going down the toilet and we are becoming more and more divided because of the Cretin who isi occupying the White House. This country and the lefty’s are being very silent about it and to make matters even worse if that’s possible the Potohead thinks he’s going to run for a second term. .

    Eventually, these Left wing extremist or “Progressives” as they call themselves will say "see" we told ya so” when they had enough of our cities being destroyed by the leftist Scum, and our citizenry being killed or dismembered as we saw in Israel on October the 7th. . Until things change, we'll just have to deal with the long list of progressive Nut Cases and Islamic Extremists holding the cards of violence, death and Drugs and other Chaos.
    I forgot to mention that the Terrorist attacks in Israel are applauded by a few NUT-JOBS in Congress aka The Squad,

    And did I forget to mention that the former LAPD cop killer police officer Chris Dorner who went on a a murder spree earlier this year. Was also a left winger who was a HUGE supporter of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton abortion and other liberal causes and people.
    Or that the Fort Hood Terrorist Nidal Hasan’s political affiliation is Democratic.
    And that it didn't take no longer then perhaps an hour after the Boston bombing for Democratic /Progressives to do what they do oh so well, POLITICIZE THE CARNAGE! But that was long ago, and we really don’t need to dig down that far to prove the fact that our Counrty is being destroyed by Liberism.
    I simply have zero respect for Intolerant ill-liberals..
    I’m sorry, but I just have utter contempt for most liberals, and I actually get sick when reading the crap filled blog of the People in the Democratic Socialist Party, as well as the Progressives. It has been the aim of groups like the Democratic National Committee, the American Civil Liberties Union,, The Huffington Post, the Democratic Underground,
    the Center for American Progress, Media Matters and other such extremist left-wing organizations. Even CAIR attempts to use America's freedoms as a weapon against her.

    But, again, these liberals think they are doing a good thing. The problem is that they are utterly wrong. If this country continues to follow the left-wing path, the U.S. will become toast in a very short time.
    These people have used our own government to destroy America. The President along with his Liberal supporters have used the courts to destroy religion. The schools to preach their Socialist slop. And the Unions to weaken our economy.Thing GOT to change in 2014 or we are doomed.

  9. Progressives predict a million refugees might flee the Gaza Strip amid the war between Israel and Hamas, and that the socialists and far-lefters say that America should welcome them.
    “The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic “Squad” who remains under investigation for Pulling a Fire Alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month.

    Butthe majority of Republicans have already slammed the door shut on the issue. And Thank God for that. I personally think that we in America have more than enough trouble, and problems without adding them to our Problems. The U.S. is the most generous nation in the world, but we are in no position to accept additional refugees, especially from a region with as high a risk of Terrorism, given our nation’s inability to secure our own Border or vet those who are already here.
    I would not trust our President, or the government to actually do that sort of due diligence. The Biden administration has let over 500,000 got-aways into our country as it is and it's been widely reported that Homeland Security and Border Patrol do not know who these people are, where they went, what they're doing here. So we certainly don’t need any more.
