Tuesday, November 14, 2023

J6 Prisoner Jake Lang and then Veteran's Day Recalled

 When I was a young man, I read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago where he described the series of Russian Soviet jails and prisons. But that couldn’t happen here…. 

I spoke with Jake Lang, prisoner in the D.C. gulag. He called from jail.
We spoke about his case and the support that can be given to J6 prisoners who are incarcerated in violation of the 6th amendment assurance of a speedy trial. He's been in jail over 1000 days.
It's also cruel and unusual, especially in the light of the treatment Hamas supporters, BLM rioters are and have gotten for worse transgressions. 

Please listen and visit https://www.j6truth.org/ 

After talking to Jake I spoke with Scott Powell.

Scott Powell of the Discovery Institute (and author of Rediscovering America) joins us to talk about Veteran’s Day.

Rediscovering America, is a great book that looks at each of the American holidays and examines their roots and importance to the culture. And if Your American Heritage is anything, it’s cultured! Like yogurt! Culture is the growth of ideas and attitudes over time. We must protect our culture.

For Bonus Points, I was called on to host Moment of Clarity at the last moment.
It seems to have turned out well.
We talked about Arab "Palestinian" support for Israel.
These people do NOT want to live under a Hamas dictatorship.


  1. Our Church has the J6 Political Prisoners on our prayer list. This is so shameful. We have criminals runnin' our Government. The J6, and others, are falsely imprisoned. I believe we (Christians, Jews, Conservatives) are next. Better pray and keep your powder dry.

    1. Both.
      Like I say in the broadcast.
      Arm yourselves..... intellectually, of course.

  2. Just a few weeks ago, the lawsuits against Lina Hidalgo and the Democrats who likely cheated to take the 2022 elections were dropped by the last of the Republicans suing. That was disappointing.

    Now, Hidalgo claims that the Democrat, Soros-funded District Attorney who investigates her is doing so for political reasons. However, that District Attorney really is probably only doing this to cover her backside in the event that the Texas Rangers come up with really incriminating evidence.

    On the national stage, I hope for a Republican to be elected and I hope that such will result in the release of the 6 January prisoners, the remuneration of the losses expenses suffered by those, and the removal of their records.

    Still, with so many RINOs around, I wonder.

    1. Like I say in the broadcast, Father, please deliver us from those that would subjugate us. Please bring them to a place of repentance. And if they resist or refuse, please remove them from our presence.

  3. So much for the free press.Biden clearly believes that THEY ARE THERE TO GET HIM RE-ELECTED..
    As Biden’s campaign manager tells the press to do their political bidding and attack Donald Trump..
    Biden and the Commies always circle the wagons to protect their enterprises.
    The DAs don't indict democrats any longer , the FBI and DOJ protect democrats.
    And That’s Simply ROTTEN. So much for the “Free Press”. Biden clearly believes they are there to get him elected.
    This BS began with the O'bummer administration. They assigned hand's on watch dogs to control the media. For him

  4. These students are being radicalized by the administration in these universities around the country.

  5. My heart hurts for the J6 prisoners and their families. It's flat-out WRONG. They are in my daily prayers.

    It's disgusting what our gov't did/is doing to these people, merely to maintain power, fueled by orange hate

    The prayer list just keeps growing everyday. All the result of the constant, evil cheating, lying and stealing being done by our (entire, I now fear) government.

    God bless you, Ed, and all veterans reading this. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the former United States a great place to live.

    Your action and your passion are appreciated.


  6. How can any rational human being support terrorists who behead babies, mutilate children in front of their parents, urn people alive, and call home to celebrate that they just killed other human beings with their bare hands? Taking pictures of the butchery of be-heading babies as souvenirs of the “good times?”

    The answer is simple: if you follow radical progressives You'd FIND THAT THEY REALLY ARE NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF Cowardly morons, that are so Obsessed with Donald Trump that they have nothing else on their Stupid Little Minds but Revenge because they know how they screwed Up bu Putting a Half witted senile old Fool in the president’s seat. And now they are stuck with him or a Laughing Cackling Hyena, who reminds me of Hillary Clintoon !

  7. Couldn't listen in awhile. Crazy stuff here. So so sorry to hear about your friend Tim. Awful. And praying for him. Our local police dept. was undermanned by about 25%. That's something like 80 officers. Could NOT power up - no hires. Until this April when the city dropped their vax mandate. They recruited overnight. People know.

    1. Now the Army is saying "All is forgiven, come back". Maybe if they had 2 more years to a pension or such.
