Saturday, January 6, 2024

January 6th with Katelyn Mervar

 Your American Heritage 1 6 202

It’s Day 1,154 of the coup, the taking of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic.

There is a war going on for control of America.  And you. And it is Spiritual Warfare!

It’s a struggle to enslave mankind. The battle has been on since the Garden of Eden. 

What should we do? 

We organize, we educate, We go to court. 

We speak loudly enough about the outrages of this regime at the diner that the people in the booth behind us overhear us and either agrees or learns something.

We remark to the cashier about the high prices due to this regime so the people in line around us realize they are not alone. The register operator will usually agree with you.

Be brave! You are the Frontline. 

We support those that go to court and jail, financially and prayerfully.

We get out the vote whether they cheat or not.

We arm ourselves.           Intellectually, of course.

And we pray. 

They may have a Justice Department. We have a God.

Psalm 144 says Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle.

Please clasp your hands and your fingers. Let’s pray, Let’s go to war.  

Father, please lead us and guide us as we seek to protect this nation

Please help us to restore it to a Constitutional Republic and remove the illegal overreach of those that would oppress us. 

Please help us protect our heritage and the rights You have given us, Your gift to us, from these evil conspirators, thieves and tyrants.

Please bring these enemies of good and sound morals to a place of repentance.

And if they will not repent, please remove them utterly from our presence.


Welcome to the first broadcast for 2024.

Today is Jan 6th, the anniversary of the protest that became maligned as an insurrection by the highest officials in our government. 

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” No more than ten years. 

The head of the proud boys got 18 years. And this would be the first unarmed insurrection in history where the insurrectionists stayed in the velvet ropes.

A friend of mine, author, former seal and Naval Officer, and more importantly a guest on this show, Larry Lambert wrote today,

“This is the day when people concerned about the integrity of a national election assembled on the lawn of Congress, were directed to enter the building by FBI stooges like Ray Epps, were given tours of the building by the Capitol Police, or were executed by other Capitol Police, and then were hunted down at home and imprisoned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Many political prisoners still languish in custody years later.

He continues:

The MAGA people are terrifying, aren’t they? One can only wonder what the timid souls who live inside the Beltway would think if there was an authentic insurrection. If they nullify President Trump on balloting, they may get their wish.

An idiot could see that the only thing that the government and Wall Street, which pulls those strings, wants is an organ grinder and a monkey to occupy the White House.

Today is not an official holiday, but it might as well be, joining St. George Floyd Day on May 25, which marks the day when an ex-con junkie and petty drug dealer who was passing counterfeit currency died in police custody of an overdose. The new holidays replace Mother’s Day, which is transphobic as it ignores men who give birth, and Memorial Day, which is racist because most of the people who died fighting for our country were white males.”

We have had a number of guests on this show over the last few years to highlight the plight of the Jan 6th political prisoners. Those housed in the American Gulag. 

Derek Kinnison, Attorney Joseph McBride representing several J6ers, Jake Lang, Trennis Evans.

Dear Father in Heaven, please watch over and protect these patriots.

People who have had SWAT teams come to their door, terrifying their families, to take them away, because they took a stroll through their Capitol, often escorted by the Capitol Police. When the tapes were released, we saw that that was exactly what happened with Jacob Chansley, maligned as the QAnon Shaman as he was escorted in a friendly manner by Capitol Police while he admonishing people to behave peacefully, only to be jailed for months for taking that walk with them.

Today we are talking to Katelyn Medvar, a warrior on the frontline.

Katelyn is a J6th activist, a Pro-life warrior-princess and author of Magamouse to the Rescue.

Welcome to the show Katelyn!

I want to offer up a few audio clips of our esteemed president Joe Brandon and then we’re going to talk about your activities on behalf of J6th Gulag internees.

Biden Misrepresenting J6 “We almost lost democracy”    well you’re a bunch of lying plagiarists and tyrants. And no one in the press pool challenges him on such an outrageous statement. It’s projection, it’s distraction, We are losing our Republic under Biden.

Biden then goes on to call Trump a Hitler yet, Biden is bragging on jailing patriots   He’s proud of that.

Biden describes Trump’s dereliction of duty on Jan 6 yet here is what Democrat Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman has to say about Biden’s Border Invasion  


You were inspired by a woman named  Eva Edl. Why don’t you tell us about that to start?


  1. This is a spiritual warfare. Best put on the full armor of God. He's already fought and won this battle. We only need to hang on. Speaking of which, the FBI thugs have arrested more J6 victims. The political prisoners are stacking up. Please pray for them to be released. Our Church is. And we're praying for President Trump.
    God bless.

  2. We see the same with lies, and exaggerations from the Biden administration as we did with their claims about the “climate crisis.”, and with Border Control. Based on fabrications and exaggerations, they are the pretext to impose measures giving the left control over our lives and as a form of obedience training to habituate a freedom loving people to control. As we have found, the Biden polices are obvious and clearly lunacy, so much the better because it gets you used to unquestioned obedience, the left’s real goal.

    It has been said that if they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you do anything. That is the reason why they make it more controversial to say that men cannot give birth than it is to advocate beheading babies in Israel. The common thread isn’t the truth or humanity of a statement, it is whether the Biden administration controls what is said and the more absurd the notion they can foist on us, the more power they have to control us. If they can normalize the October 7 horrific mass murders, they can get us to accept any outrage. The lunacy of their policies is way beyond belief. And MUST be stopped at any cost.
